
My parents can't afford braces becase the insurance doesn't cover them

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I was told when I was 11 that I needed braces and now I'm 15 and if I don't get them soon than I'm going to need to pay for them. i'm getting really fed up because it's been 4 years and I still don't have them. My dads work insurance which is united health care doesn't cover them, but I really need them, what can I do?

I want to get them this fall, is this possible if we could find a dentist. Also Is it possible to work out payment plans




  1. Guest51

     you should go to dr.jhon orthandontics 



  2. hun im sorry but im 20 years old i had braces since i was 15 and i should have gotten them off when i was 17 but during the process of my treatment my parents got divorce and she cant afford the rest of the payment and i still have them so if your parents tell you they cant afford it i would push it cuz when the time comes and they cant afford to get them off you'll be stuck like me with braces for 5 years

  3. Wow people are rude on here. Anyways I was looking at how I was going to get braces for my 12 year old daughter (She needs them really bad because when she closes her mouth her bottom teeth cut up the top of her mouth and leave really bad sores) I don't have insurance and can't afford payments at this point in our lives. I found this site that you might want to check out it looks like you will have to show them you really want them and there is a fee of $500 if they accept you, but I figure that is alot better then $5000. The website is Good luck!

  4. stupid a*s b***h leave your parents alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Didn't you hear what your parents said?  They can't afford them.  Would you rather have braces or a roof over your head, food on the table or clothes on your back?  Are your parents working?  Have you heard that the economy is bad?  Stop being so vain, and give your parents a break!  Get a job and save your money and pay for them your own self.  Haven't you seen a lot of adults walking around with braces?  I bet their parent's couldn't afford them either!

  6. By far the plan that will save you the most money is

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