
My parents cant afford me playing on a hockey team, ive worked so hard, what can i do?

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My parents cant afford me playing on a hockey team, ive worked so hard, what can i do?




  1. It depends on how old you are (for what I would suggest).  You, or your parents, need to make some phone calls to the local hockey organizations and find out if there is help.  

    Also look around on the internet -  

    Good luck!

  2. I've not met one hockey person who doesn't want to see the sport expand (and how can such an expensive sport expand if it loses players to financial struggle?)  If there is no way you can get a job (ex. if you don't have time), or find a way to get the money on your own then I would advise you talk to your coach or league board about it.  Often times coaches and leagues can work something out with a player who doesn't have the finacial backings (ex. do extra fundraising).  There are kids in my area who struggle to pay, but the hockey board and coaches in my area make sure that every kid who wants to play can play.

  3. i'd get a job over the summer if that doesn't add up, make some sort of stand like a lemmonade stand or something!

  4. Contact the rink, they might have scholarships available for kids who can't afford it.

    If not, work at the rink if you're old enough.

  5. work part-time at the rink + mgt might give you a discount on league fees (as well as for gear) or if that is still not enough, at least you can practise on your game during breaks or when you have a day off. if you're in school though, that's more important

  6. Sell your earthly possessions for money.

  7. Save up. if you save 5% of each 10 dollars you make for 1 year you will have nearly 1,000 bucks or something in that general area...

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