
My parents didn't file taxes. Can i still get Finacial aid?

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What would i do? Is there an exception or something? I have been thru a lot my mom is a drug addict and my father is an alcoholic should i include this in my essay for college. Please help me!




  1. The problem is to qualify for financial aid is who ever you live with doesn't make that much money. They look into the whole family not just you for financial aid so its very unlikely to get it. Trust me i know people who have parents who can afford food and the person who wants to get it wont have a chance. But anything is possible.

  2. When you say that your parents didn't file taxes, do you mean that they should have filed taxes but didn't, or do you mean that neither of your parents had sufficient income to trigger the need to file taxes?

    If your parents are employed, but just don't bother to file taxes, then that will be a problem for you if you apply for federal financial aid. Remember that this form of aid is funded directly by the taxpayers (that's where all government funds come from) - so if your parents should be participating taxpayers, but choose not to - well, that's their decision, but the government won't be that anxious to share other people's taxes with you.

    Now, on the other hand, if your parents just aren't earning enough money to be required to file taxes - that's an entirely different issue. Yes, you can complete the FAFSA form - there's a question that just comes right out and asks you about your parents' tax forms.

    Question 76 says: "Have your parents completed a 2007 IRS Income Tax Return or other income tax return?" and your choices are "already completed", "will file" or "will not file". Nothing about selecting 'will not file' will harm your chances of getting financial aid.

    However - even if your parents did not file, you are still responsible for estimating their income and completing questions 79 through 83, which ask for an estimate of what their tax form would have said, had they completed one.

    As for your other question, a college essay that asks about influences on your life is very much the place for you to describe challenges that you have overcome and obstacles that block the path to the life that you want for yourself. If your parents have addiction issues and you have learned important lessons from their struggles, that could definitely make for a very powerful essay.

    Good luck to you - I hope this information helps!

  3. Call child welfare, esp if you have baby brothers and sisters.  This will get you out of that environment and some place safe and motivate your parents to get their lives back together (or not).  At least then, you will have help.

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