
My parents divorce has been very nasty?

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My parents divorce was finalized tin feb .But all through the proceeding my mom made allegations and we'll after the divorce they have gotten worse.My sibling and i fear for my Father s safety can we legally force her into therapy or into a psychological evaluation.Can a court order her into obsevation




  1. Marisol,

    I'm sorry you're going through that. I remember when that happened to me - I was in high school.

    You and your sibling should be protected through this, not suffering.

    Do you have an aunt on your dad's side you can talk to, where it won't get back to your mother right away? How about your grandmother on your father's side?

    Do you go to church where you can talk to your priest or pastor? Is there a youth leader at church you can talk to?

    Forcing an adult into therapy is a hard and tricky thing. I know, I've had to force a couple people into therapy, and when they fight it then it takes a long time. But adults you can talk to can help you talk to the right people.

    With school starting soon talk to your teacher and school counselor. Make sure they know what's going on. Also make certain they talk to your sibling's teacher and counselor.


  2. You are the kids here and I would suggest you stay out of the middle of things between your mother and father.  Your only obligation here is to warn him of things she threatens (like physical violence, for instance) and then to stay out of the way.  If I were you I would allow your father and his lawyer to handle whatever may need to be done (e.g., restraining orders and the like).  You don't want to also become a target of her actions, do you?

  3. Sounds like your mother is bitter from the divorce. She needs to get help.

  4. Have you told anyone about this. If your mom physically assaults your dad call the police.  

  5. Sounds like your mom needs a new boyfriend.

  6. It depends on a lot of things you can talk to your school or if that's not what you wanna do talk to your dad and he may take you to get a court sesson

    but yes it's very possible

  7. thats not a question thats a statement

  8. my parents have been separated for almost 5 years now, i know it can be tough but all people act out differently when these traumatic things happen. a judge can suggest therapy but a court order will have to be issued for her to abide unwillingly. for now be careful about how you handle things,trust me this will effect how everything goes.  

  9. well you seem like you could talk to her, seems like she needs somebody to talk to, are you staying with her or your dad, or are you on your own, my mom is going through a divorce right now and so are two of my friend's families, my mom always talks to me so maybe that would help XD

  10. The only people that should be blamed for a divorce is the children...............

  11. Don't worry about your father, he can take care of himself.  

    You can always contact DHS/CPS for help if you have fears.

  12. In the first need to stay out of the marriage and divorce.  I know it is your parents but you are not inside the relationship and don't know what REALLY goes on.  

    If the court thought for one second that things were wrong your father would have custody of you.  Being incompetent is not something you can hide.

    Yes a court can order an evaluation and counseling but there should be some really strong evidence that it is needed.

    You have chosen sides...and that is something you should never do.  Do not judge your mother !   Granted some mothers are manipulative..but generally courts find out the truth and children are protected from that.  

    I don't know what your father is telling you...but they both need to stop telling you both the problems of the relationship. The facts are...they had you and they both love you and you should never choose.  It is a decision you will regret.  You may or may not every find out the truth of the relationship...and the truth is not yours to know.

    They are your them both and don't make decisions and take sides.  

  13. What types of things has your mother been doing? I really think it depends on what has been going on, weather or not you have any rights.

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