Hey everyone =] thanks for reading
My mom and dad are not allowing me to be a vegetarian. They are making meat every night [purposely] so I'm trying to ignore them and I bought my own food such as vegetarian chilli, rice and broccoli, and boca burgers. The next day, I look in the freezer and all the food I bought is gone. I asked my mom where it was and he said she threw it out. Every time I try buying something, they throw it out if its not meat. Right now I am eating a peanut butter sandwhich, but thats all I can eat =[ Also, whenever I eat meat, I get sick to my stomach and they dont believe me. Whenever I try talking to them about it they say "You're not becoming a vegetarian and that's that!"
How can I let my parents know that being a vegetarian is what I really want?
I am 14 years old incase you are wondering