
My parents dont accept my boyfriend because of his race!

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I am very very mad at my parents right now! I am currently a 20 year old asian female with an African American boyfriend. They believe in all those nasty stereotypes about them. They think he wont treat me right, leave me for another woman and dumb etc. I seriously don't think he would do that and he gets straight A's with a higher GPA than me!

I am very nervous right now since are relationship has gotten more serious and he invited himself tonight to meet my parents! Its going to be horrible!!

Should I care what my parents think of him? What should I do?

GRRR..i hate this racism in my house!!!




  1. if u really love him i dont think u should let ur parents tell u what to do...maybe when ur parents meet him they wont judge him so easily and see what a nice guy he is...i know wishful thinking but still do what u feel is right and dont let any1 tell u what u should do with ur life

  2. Okay just calm down and relax. Its gonna be okay. First of all your parents need to get a clue. This isn't the past anymore. Second I think they are doing this because they don't want you to grow up . Well they have to get over that. I mean your an Adult now. They can't make decisions for you. You make your own. Just sit down with them and explain to themn how you feel. I mean they need to understand. They can't judge a person by their cover. Be honest with them.

    Hope I helped.

  3. i think you should tell your mom how you feel. but if she still cant accept him i wouldnt care. as long as he is treating you good, then thats all that matters. and not all black men are not like that.  

  4. my father was mexican my mother english. racism is a sickness I swear. Love the man with all your might!! Your parents will get over it. I accept my children in everyway. When they were grown they made there own choices I stood by them. One talked to me about being g*y he was at a fragile age. I told him like Im telling you. Follow your heart. Love is unconditional. Your folks either way love you!! They will get past it if not its on them which is sad. Be strong let them know you care for him and you are standing your ground. Your over 18 live your life!!  

  5. First of all, be sure to tell your boyfriend about your parent's ignorance and prejudiceness.  He deserves to know what he's walking in to so he can be prepared.

    Second, talk with him and see if he thinks you should talk to your parents (alone) before he gets there to smooth things out.  He may prefer you do so, but he may think you two should present a unified front to your parents.


    Not that I know he's wonderful, but you know if he's a keeper.  Color shouldn't even be an issue anymore.  As many Asian men as black men or white men are has nothing to do with color.

    I am a mixed origins and my husband is white.  His family had no problems and mine didn't either.  Sorry you have losers for parents.  Maybe you shuold tell them what you think about them.  It's time they saw how ignorant they are.

  6. Love overcomes all. If you are truly in love you shouldn't care what others think. Let them express their feelings, and then tell them to let you express yours.

  7. Without yelling (that is the first way to lose someone's attention), bring up some of the unfair things people use to stereotype your own culture and ask your parents how they would feel if your boyfriend's family thought that of you. Be sure to label this as racism in your conversation with your parents. It may make them angry at first, but it is possible that it may open their eyes to how ignorant their views have been. If you stick with this guy and he continues to be loyal and hardworking (you go, boy with those grades!!) his example alone should show them they were wrong. Good luck~ continue to teach tolerance through love and understanding.

  8. ask them if they love you

  9. one cannot change how others feels about people of different races..what is important is that two people who are from two different races, love each other, have much in common, and though family is very would be good if the family would at least accept this..but I feel that their feelings and opinions run very deep.

    You tell them you love them, that can have their own feelings..but this the one to whom you love and enjoying being with.

    I hope you time with his parents is a nice evening of getting to know them

  10. do what you feel is best ...i think you should stay with him

    you cant have your parents running your life forever

  11. No you should not care what they think.  If it is meant to be then it is meant to be.  My mother is Korean, born and raised in korea and my father is Black, born and raised in the South side of Chicago.  He was in the military and was over seas when he met her and believe me her parents and siblings were beyond pissed, even to this day.  But they have been married now for 24 years and have 2 beautiful childeren 23 and 21.  So if this is the real thing your guys love will surpass every obsticle you all face in life.

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