
My parents dont accept us....advice needed.?

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My parents dont accept me and my guy being together. We belong to the same religious group, same culture etc. He lives in the States and wants me to eventually come there to be with him. My parents have never let me make my own decision and tend to treat me like a baby. Im 22 and Im quite capable to making any decision. Im considering leaving and going to be with my guy. Hes an amazing guy who treats me the best Ive ever been treated before. Its just my parents dont approve, when they once did. They said Im not allowed to see or talk to him. They have no basis of not liking him, since they dont really know him. They also choose not to know him. What shall I do???




  1. yea I'd totally move out but what the h**l I'm having the same problems with my gf, her parents treat her like a 9 yr old so i'm just being patient

  2. Parents now baby their kids. They don't respect you as a human being, they think of you as a cute critter.

  3. ok your 22, thats your decision talk to your parents and tell them to face the facts. If they dont listen, then i guess you have to prove to them. Move out if you already did, and start going out and prove to them why he is right for you! But please BE CAREFULL! some people are messed up, make sure your safe.

  4. Lol@Canada

    Run at your parents with Razor blades and Lemon juice to prove your point

  5. do what you want. where do you live now? your an adult in the states so go out to him. work alittle and get money and see your man!!

  6. Wow, for your butt's sake, MOVE OUT, AND DO WHAT YOU WANT! You're freakin' 22 years old! You're not 12!

  7. Ignore your parents.

  8. Well, your parents have their reasons. Maybe since you have not become a young women yet (still living at home) they want you to have a life experience of making it on your own before you jump in bed with some guy. You need to get clear about their concerns and wishes for you. When you are clear, then you may be freed up to make a clear choice. This is not playing house. This is the real deal. Having your parents support is a lot easier than not.

  9. I think since you are so grown up you should talk to your parents as an adult and listen to them. Being a parent it sounds like to me they are protecting you from something you are clueless about and something they know. And despite how angry you are with them they love you so much they will allow it.  

  10. You are of age to move out and get on with your life.  Even if you make a mistake it will be okay.  We all make mistakes.  Sounds  like they just don't like the idea of you moving away.  Ask  them the real reason they disapprove.  Then go from there.   If you do it what are they going to do about it.  Nothing except disown you...

  11. As long as you live with them, there's not a whole lot you can do, besides sneak around.  If you want to be with him that bad, move out.

  12. Most parents love their child. It's understandable why they wanted you to be away from the guy you love because you're only 22 and there's many other things for you to pursue rather than to head over to the States with the guy you love.

    If you really love the guy, you should show him to your parents and prove to them that "Yes, he IS the man for our daughter." So as they'll understand where you're coming from, that the man really loves you as who you are.

    I believe loving someone is never a crime. However it might be a biggest mistake because love is blind. Your parents are being cautious and protective. Please understand their stand too. :)

  13. Follow your heart, its all I can really tell you. If you love him, your an adult. Have a talk with your parents and tell them that its time to start your life, and that they cant live it for you. If hes the one you want then go for it, and if you end up not working out you'll be fine.

  14. Your an adult make your own choices. Tell them thanks for their opinion but it's your life not theres.  

  15. did you meet him over the internet? because if you have then that is a big reason. if you met him through college or something, maybe their afraid that they won't get to see you as often as they want to if you move down there.

  16. if he is the one ,, ignore them ,, & go live with him

  17. do your parents have a reason to hate him? but i think u should do what your heart tells you too and ur not a little girl anymore your a grown woman you should make sure your parents understand cuz they should be apart of ur life always!!

  18. Try to explain to them that you really like him, and should at least give him a chance before you judge him.

  19. Well seeing as how you're a 22 year old grown adult, I would say.....

    it's your decision and do whatever the heck you want! :)

  20. listen to your parents, even when your sure. parents are always right at the end. trust me. its for the best. parents have this magic in them, and know what is good and what is bad.

  21. how long have you guys been together?...most parents when they get a funny  feeling it tends to be for a reason..then again you should make a date maybe a lunch or dinner where you guys can sit and actually talk and they'll get to know each other a little more  

  22. You are now 22 years old and you can do what you please. I understand you are wanting your parents to want you two together so bad. But parents are really funny like that they nit pick at every little thing they don't like about the person you are sometimes with. Truthfully your parents shouldn't care who you are with just as long as you are happy so if you are happy tell your parents that and if they still don't see it your way the will one day or another.

  23. okay if you leave your parents and go to him then you are walking away from ur family what if this man turns out to not be what you wanted or he once was.. then what would u stay there and build a life or would u miss home?  Think of these questions for real..  If anything i would say go out to where he is BUT have ur own find a job and place before you go so you dont have to depend on him... and u would plant your feet that way...  

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