
My parents fight A LOT. how can i get them to stop?

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im PRETTY sure my parents are close to a divorce. they fight almost everyday. and i asked them, that if they didnt have me and my sister, would they still be together? and they said no. and then they tried to cover it up. how can i stop them from fighting or even splitting up?




  1. I wish I had a magic wand to make them quit fighting.  Talk to your parents and tell them that they need to grow up because you are not ready to be the grown up.  tell them you will go live with grandma.  Seriously talk to an adult that is close to your parents and tell them what you told us.  If your parents were friends of mine I would march over and tell them to quit torturing their children.

  2. get them this book:

  3. You can't.  Trying to get involved and thinking you can change things is only going to stress you out and make things worse for you.  Just stay out of it.

  4. my husband and argue/disagree alot we have been together 13yrs, my kids understand that mom and dad may disagree but we love each other, maybe mention to them that it bothers you, but not while they are in the middle of a argument, remember if they do break up it is not your fought

  5. theres nothing you can do...whatevers meant to happen will happen. sometimes divorce is better, though. dont be worried.

  6. Plan a family outing.

    Good luck

  7. most have given the best answer.  there is nothing you can do to resolve their differences, but you can be supportive.  good news from your school will always give them a relief from their situation from time to time, but again, their long term issues are theirs alone.

    good luck.

  8. There are things in life that are bound to happen, no matter what. I don't think they're are truly anything you can do..

  9. You cant stop it.

  10. can they try marriage counseling  

  11. you can't stop the fights, or them leaving. u r not the cause of the fights or the problem. if you are over 10 u have the right to choose which parent u wish to live with when the divorce does happen. hopefully they will keep u 2 kids together for some semblance of family. no one likes to see the family fighting like that but sometimes the kids are actually happier when the fights stop and the divorce is final.  

  12. This is something between them.  Even though it will effect you, if they decide to divorce, you can't do anything about it.  They are struggling right now inside themselves on what to do and you can make it better for them to love them no matter what.  If they do divorce, the fighting will stop and there will be peace at home for the most part.  You can't expect them to continue like this.

  13. Unfortunately, you can't. It's up to them to work this out, and from what I read it doesn't look like either of them want to relinquish any kind of control - which is why they fight every day.

    You can suggest that they try counseling, and that fighting in front of you and your sister really hurts you. By them staying together because of you two, it makes it seem like it's your fault that they are even still technically married. But remember - it's not your fault or hers that they fight. I'm sure their problems have accumulated over the years, and they are at their breaking points. But if neither wants to really fix it, there is nothing you can do.

    I'm sorry kiddo. My parents did the same when I was younger, and my mother did blame me. I just want you to know that it's not your fault, and there is not much you can do besides let them know that this is really hurting you.

    I wish you the best - I really do.  

  14. You cannot stop them from fighting or splitting up.  In the same way you cannot stop them, you also have  not caused the fighting.  It is NOT YOUR FAULT.  Your parents are adults, and they should know that fighting in front of their children is wrong.  If you can, you should talk to which ever parent you feel closest to and tell them how badly their fighting makes you feel and ask that they fight in private, please.  I am sorry you are going through this, I hope everything will work out for you and your family.

  15. when i was between the ages of 8-16 my parents we're arguing every day about money, etc and it got my brother and i in a big whirl because if it wasn't for us they wouldn't of been together...well they we're together for 26 yr until they finally brother and i always thought it was us that was the reason why they we're constantly fighting..hun its not you and there's nothing you can do about it.whats going to happen between your parents are going to happen for the and your siblings don't separate brother and i separated when i was 13 and he was 16 yr old and we don't know each other now...i'm 30 and he's 33 now and its caused major problems and we don't even talk right now cause of advice to u is try and not be mad at your parents,be mature about whats going to happen and know that its not you and your siblings fault!  

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