
My parents fight with me when they fight with my sister, now we're not speaking?

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My family is across the country but if my parents have a fight wth my sister then for some reason they get mad at me.Last time they got pissed at my sister b/c she borrowed their car & let her husband drive it. They don't like her husband so they showed up at her house, caused a scene & said they were done with her. I thought the whole thing was ridiculous but it didn't matter b/c before I even knew this had all happened I tried to call home &they wouldn't speak to me. Its like if they get mad at my sister they get mad at me & I had nothing to do with it. Well after not speaking for a month my mom suddenly emailed & asked why I hadn't been calling. I just said I was busy to avoid an argument then she rights back and told me not to write her if it was going to be that hard. I didn't respond. I'm so sick of this senseless arguing but now it's been almost 2 months & my parents & I still aren't speaking. My mom wants me to apologize!! What should I do?




  1. don't apologize you've done nothing wrong, and neither has your sister, my mother's exactly the same, causing arguments just for the sake (or so it seems) try to ring them a couple more times and email once more to catch up, if that doesn't work leave it. i know it's an hard decision but it'll work.

  2. i wouldnt listen to them my mum doseit all the time and it gets me so angry lol but you just have to ignore them and tell them to stop taking there anger out on you

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