
My parents found my condoms in my room? I need advice on how to deal with this.?

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So my parents just found my condoms in my room and they told me that my gf couldn't come over or spend the night for awhile. I love her so much, yet there's no way for me to talk to them. They just keep black mailing me saying that they're going to tell her parents. I love her a lot and would do anything for her, what should I do?

P.s i am 18 and my gf is 17




  1. depending on what state you live in they maybe trying to help you you could get into allot of trouble if 17 is not the legal age of consent in your state  

  2. apologize (to please them and calm the mood)

    and say you understand why they aren't letting her stay over

    and just tell them it will never happen again, just please dont tell her parents because you guys were inappropriate and you love her and is vrey serious about her

    hope it helps

    good luck

    p.s this mite be hard for you to say to them but just do it because it mite actually help

  3. wtf. your parents are ****** up. did you tell your parents that you guys did it? if  you didnt. say that you didnt. and the condoms were just there. if we happened to do it. but we didnt. at least we will be safe. say that?. when is your gf going to be 18?move out soon.  

  4. Your parents are letting you have your gf overnight and they are surprised to find condoms in your room?  What do they think you two are doing? Homework?  

    Her parents must assume that you two are having s*x. Just because your parents are clueless, doesn't mean hers aren't.

  5. Time to fly the coop, son.  In other words, time to move out and get a place of your own.  You're 18 and that's an adult in my eyes.  Your gf is just about to be 18.  You two are doing what comes natural.  Whoever doesn't see it that way needs to remove the blindfolds from their eyes...

  6. Tell your parents that you do not have an STD, nor does your girl friend, and that she is not pregnant.

    And then tell them that condoms are responsible for those two things.

    Finally, tell them that now that you're 18, it strikes you a little odd that they would much care about what you had in your room.


  7. Just talk to them and tell them that at least u were being safe and that youre very sorry.

  8. I don't think its ok to have your girlfriend overnight in your parents home, no matter what age you are. If you really want her to "live" with you, get your own place where you set the rules. After all, you are an adult and responsible for you own life, not you parents.  

  9. I found condoms in my 14 year old sons room, I talked to him about it and it seems that well if kids are going to have s*x I prefer that they have some knowledge of protecting themselves, cause I sure the h**l don't wanna hear my kid tell me he's got a std or that i am gonna be a grandpa  sheeshh.   I am sure if at 17 years old your girlfriend has spent the night at your house and your parents allowed it, they would know that there son at age 18 is a little horndog...and getting down. you should be man enough to talk to your parent and you girlfriends parents and let them know you truely respect and love their daughter. and you ain't just after s*x.. its hard to be the man but just be real with them and have an open honest relationship with both your parents an hers... at age17 and 18 you both are responsible you adults and always be honest...   if you intent to marry this girl do right by her sit down and tell her and see what she has to say about the situation both you should talk to your parents together  

  10. I can understand their feelings, however I would have been proud of you for being safe and smart about it.

    Even though it makes you mad they really only are trying to look out for you and what THEY think is best

    tell them you are sorry but being safe about it

  11. So ur 18 ur considered an adult

    They can't controll u no more

  12. Want good condoms? This site will give it to you for free.

  13. Kind of sucks, but their house their rules. I love my girlfriend too, but she doesn't stay the night at my parents house. Maybe they just want you to wait until she's 18.

  14. the next time they black mail you just say "hey, at least i was being responsible and actually went out to the store to buy condoms" other than that i dont know what else you could really say.

  15. There's not much you can do. I don't know what state you live in, but here in Texas no one over the age over 18 (by law) can have a sexual relationship with a minor. If you feel this is something to stick up for then you need to discuss this with your parents in a calm and mature manner. You're 18 and at this age you can pretty much do whatever you want. Your girlfriend however, being more limited.

  16. Well, just say that you are learning sexual stuff at school, and you are studying with your gf. ( thats the lying way ) or just say that its natural, why did your mum and dad have s*x too? Give it a try.

  17. Well since she is still underage, depending on state law, your parents could make things very difficult for you.

    I would say that if you live with your parents, you should respect their rules.  Now you could choose to speak with your parents. Be honest and frank and show them respect. Apologize but explain your case logically but in the end respect their rules since you are living with them.

    Does your girlfriend plan to go to college? Do you? Perhaps you could go to the same college. Once you are on your own and not living at home, your parents rules are no longer applicable as you are living your life independently as an adult.

    You could save up money to rent a space of your own and move in together.

    You should talk with your girlfriend and discuss your future.

  18. Let them know that you deeply love her and you are being responsible enough to go out and buy condoms rather than being irresponsible and just having s*x without them. Would you rather me get her pregnant or be a responsible adult?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

  19. Your 18, you shouldnt be haviong s*x in the first place!

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