
My parents get so mad!!?

by  |  earlier

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My parents got mad at me cuz i yelled at my brother and they got mad at both of us! they said the neighbors are gonna get mad! i feel sooooooooooooooooo mad! i wanna seriously be in a wrestling match with them and punch them really hard!!!!!!!! they make me feel so freakin use-less and un-important! i feel like i shouldnt even be alive! thats how mean they can be! i may not the be perfect child,so they keep on bragging about other kids and how perfect they are! and they make me feel like c*ap. I just wanna cry and never leave my room! its so freakin annoying!!!!

what should i do??????????????????????




  1. Ugh I understand about being angry with your parents and wanting to hurt them. Listen to some music and try to forget about it. Or go for a walk maybe?

  2. I have the same problem. it feels like your constantly getting yelled at or arguing with them about useless things. Just try not to fight back and don't make it worse. hope it helps. and like some one else said listen to music. thats what i do.

  3. ur angry cuz u got yelled at?  its not a big deal.  just forget about it.  its no reason to get all mellodramatic.  

  4. Hey there kid,

    Someday you'll be a grown up and be in control of your own life.  But while your still a kid try to appreciate what you do have....roof over your head, food on the table because, sadly, there are kids in the world that don't have that...they are suffering terrible.   I had parents that yelled at me a lot too, my siblings never learned this and got into all kinds of heated arguments in the house.......I just got myself into  routine.......get up at such and such a homework at such and such a time, and my parents got used to it......I always said, Hey dad can I help you with anything (I knew he didn't need it), and he'd say no........but was nice pretty much most of the day.  Did the same for my mom (she was tough so I did help her a bit more).  My parents considered me the good child and I really didn't do was the thought that counted.

    Put downs happened too but mostly with my siblings.......I'd say that hurts my feelings and walk away before they could be more cruel or have a stupid come back.    When you walk are walking away and leaving them with guilt for saying such a thing.

    Life gets better when you are older.   Sometimes just going for a walk will help burn off anger energy.   Listen to music while doing so will get you in a better frame of mind.

    Good luck to you......nice talking to you on YA tonight!

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