
My parents got married last 1974 ,my dad is a U.S citizen. do i have the right to claim my U.S citizenship?

by  |  earlier

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i was born in philippines and my dad has a signature on my birth cetificate, can i still claim my U.S citizenship even if my dad does'nt want to recognize me as his son? is there any person or agency who can help me with my problem? .what should i do?




  1. yes you do because you dad is a U.S. citizen so that does give you a right to your citizenship.

  2. No, there must have been a bonified Father-Child relationhip before the age of 18 for you to have any claim of US citizenship.  Proof of such a relationship is usually met through proof of financial support, letters, pictures, plane tickets showing travel, ect....

    There's nothing for you to do.  Unfortunately, you are stuck in the Philippines unless your father wants to petition you.  If he did petition you the wait would be about 22 years for a visa since you are now over the age of 21.

  3. did you just ask a similar question about this ?

    i have answered you in your other question ........go look please

    when you say :my dad does not recognize me as his son ? his name is on your birth record ..........go to you other question and there is alot of informations ,i wrote for you ... :-)

  4. why do you want to be an american?

  5. I'd go to the American embassy.

  6. Yes, you may be able to claim US citizenship through your father; that he doesn't like you doesn't matter, although you might need his help.  Here are the requirements to acquire citizenship from a parent:

    Note that this page says your birth should have been reported immediately.  However there are many US citizens by birth who don't apply until they are adults.  It still is possible.

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