
My parents have just called ,There worried and say i should move in with them for a little while ?

by  |  earlier

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in the last month i have had a one night stand with my male boss,my wife found out and left me and took the kids,my dog has started talking to me in english,my tv has started talking to me,ive stopped going in to work,i believe the goverment have bugged my house and to top it off i,m considering a stick up dressed has elmo ...Do you think moving home would help...




  1. Are you sure the phone rang?

    You do need help so put down the pipe and do something.

  2. Moving house would help yeah... but only if you're moving into the ward were they make you wear a white buckle jacket..

  3. This is a joke question yes??

    If should go to a psychiatric unit not home.

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