
My parents invade my room when im not home?

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i mean i know they have the right to go in my room because its their house, but comme on.. THEY GO THREW MY STUFF. my moms like i was turning off your fan and i saw ibfrophen in your room..i told you not to take it without my permission. it was in my freaking dresser in one of the drawers under my clothes.. ( i put it in there for pms symntoms haha ) but seriously it really getss annoying how they go threw my stuff.. one time i had a bunch of notes from my friends THEY READ THEM ALL.

they tell me to not go in there room, so they get an outside lock for there door wtf. how is that even fair ): i feel like my life is getting invaded by them in only 14 :/




  1. As your under the age of 18, they have every right to go through "your stuff"

    Look up the term "legal guardian", (that's what parents are), that means they are legally responsible for you.

    Technically, you don't "own" anything.  Until you're 18, you can't own anything, (don't believe me......try buying a car or home in your can't, you're a minor)

    Reading your mail just means they are interested in your life an well being, and care for you.

    Try looking at the positive, rather than complaining how your "rights", (as I've explained, you have VERY limited rights as a minor, mostly you have privileges, not at all the same thing), have been violated.

    You could talk to them, tell them how you feel, and ASK for a different solution, but don't try demanding anything, you're not in that position..........accept it.


  2. I can understand your frustration, but you need to talk to your parents about a happy solution. Parents are responsible for keeping you safe, and if you aren't talking, they will find out what they need to know. Many a parent has found drug paraphernalia after a child told him he didn't do drugs.  Your room should be your special space, but as long as your parents are responsible for your well-being, you may have to understand that this is how it is. If you are honest and open with them, they will have no reason to bombard your room.

    Is it OK if mom changes your sheets and makes your bed? Is it OK if they come in and clean your room? Do you pay rent on the room? When you are an adult, and when you are responsible for your own life, then you will be paying rent and you can call the shots about your space. By then you will have a job and be self-supporting. Enjoy being 14 for now.  

  3. Have you tried talking to them and telling them how you feel? Expressing that you would like them to give you a little more trust and space? If the worst thing they've ever found in your room was a bottle of Ibuprofen, one would think they would be rather receptive...

  4. Just because their your legal guardians does NOT mean they have the right to invade their privacy.  my dad does the same thing, and even sends my brother in my room to look for things i'm not supposed to have.

    Theres nothing you can do either.  Talking to them about it might just make them think you have things you want to hide.  I became really good at hiding things.  money in books since I have a lot of them, diary and other things i write behind picture frames instead of the cardboard thing,  I buy a lot of things that need a lock to open so i'll know if they try looking through it.  

    If that fails to work,  just do the same thing to them to prove a point.  I know,  immature.  but it's not like you can ask anyone for help.

  5. Why don't you become responsible for your own room.  Tell your parents that you are 14 and you are a good kid and you want to be treated like a young woman not a child.  Tell them from now on you would like to be responsible for changing your own bed sheets, putting away your clothes and tidying up your own room.  Keep it clean and tidy and then  you will have given them no excuse to come into your room to pretend to tidy.  Tell your parents you have nothing to hide but you don't like your stuff raided and looked at.  Ask them what they are looking for and remind them that if your room is not a safe place for you to keep your things you will have to start hiding it.

    If you have given your parents any reason to think you are a bad girl then they will hunt through your things to protect you.

  6. My parents did the SAME THInG! Im 18 now, and they have stopped thank god! It was soooo annoying, and they would read all the notes i had in my room. If i could change it now I would talk to them about it. You should do the same. Just let them know like.. i knw its your house, but i would really appreciate if you guys gave me more privacy in my life. Tell them that it really upsets you and you feel that they dont trust you! good luck!  

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