
My parents kicked me out of the house and they will not let me go to school. how can i?

by  |  earlier

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i want to go to school and i will be a senior this year but my parents kicked me out of the house and i am seventeen now and they will not sign me up for school, and the school says basically there is nothing i can do. can somone give me any advice or help me please! school starts in two weeks and i keep asking my parents and they said they wont. and advice? help me please. i would like to graduate this year like i am supposed to.




  1. Aw, that's terrible. How can a parent not want their child to get a full education, especially when their child WANTS to? :/

    Contact the school counselor ASAP. They are trained professionals to deal with teen problems, and trust me, they will understand and do all in their power to get you back in school. Maybe even contact social services to pass legal rights over to your godparents if your parents don't give in.

  2. webwedane - maybe shes at her friends, duh.

  3. school counselor or social services should be able to help

  4. Your state should have some social service agencies to help you.  I believe that parents are responsible for their children until age 18 in most states (I could be wrong though).

    Why did your parents kick you out of the house?  Were you doing something you should not have been doing?  You might need to resolve a family issue first.

    And, if you got kicked out of your house, how did you were you able to get online and ask this question?

  5. i agree,,i think the legal age to actually quit school with a parents consent is like 16 yrs old,,but some states may be different,, but if you want to go to school and they won't sign you up then obviously you haven't been to school to fill out the necessary paperwork where the parents sign giving you permission to quit,,it is totally against the law.. i would call your local law inforcement and ask what can be done about this,,,the law may be able to force them to go sing you up or threaten to put them in jail if they won't....i really don't understand parents not wanting their child to go to school to graduate,,this really doesn't sound right to me...

  6. well it's against the law for your parents not to send you to school. Is this a public or private school? if it's public just go you don't have to sign up but if it's your first year there you need to go to the principle to get a schedual for your class'.

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