
My parents know i have myspace. but nt facebook. wat do i do??

by  |  earlier

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i asked my parents for a myspace and they let me. but now....i have a facebook

and i didnt ask. but i swear i would have i just.....didnt think

and now im scared wat will happen if they found out......




  1. Your parents seem pretty cool, you should just be honest with them.  If you don't and they find out it will be worse than if you had just told them.  Plus one lie or act of mistrust can start a pattern.

  2. it won't be long before they find out.

    better tell them before they do or get rid of it

  3. delete both and enjoy your life ;)

  4. Ask them then if they say yes be like cool and if they say no be like ohkay and decide if your gonna keep it a secret or if your gonna delete it, either way knowing they know would probably be better. myspace is less safe then facebook and they probably know that just ask! =)

  5. What are you scared of?  If they let you have MySpace just tell them that you got Facebook as well and as it's exactly the same thing you guessed it would be ok.  At least your being honest that you have both and that they know they can trust you and if they need to monitor the two.  If you hide it from them and they find out later it will make them trust you less.

  6. How old are you?

    Its just facebook... what's the big deal? Why do you have to ask? Did you have to ask for an email? Or to visit O.o

  7. if they let you have myspace,then they'll absolutely let you have facebook.. because facebook is safer than myspace,i think.. the way they require your last name and school and etc

  8. just dont let them find out duhh

  9. simple, DELETE it! omg they don't want you to have a facebook so you can be safe from whatever cyber stalkers are out there. why not actually listen to them instead of being ignorantly defiant?  

  10. delete your history yo

  11. Uh oh.

  12. just tell them.

    facebook is waaaay safer than myspace

    you can only have a face book if you go to school (kinda)

    and say u can keep your whole profile private if you wanted to

    no one can hack facebook unlike myspace too.

    so they should be fine with one.



  14. Here's what you do:

    Tell your parents that want a Facebook account; if they say "okay" then just pretend that you made the Facebook account after you asked them for it. A little lying goes a long way.

  15. um that sucks.

    don't tell them.

  16. They will dismember you. Run far away, or get to them first.

  17. If your parents let you have a MySpace, then they probably won't have a problem with you having a facebook either. Even if they did find out, what's so scary?  

  18. pretend as if you never made it. then ask them anyways

    if they say yes than whoopee.

    if they say no then either keep it private and secret or delete it

  19. if you think about it, facebook is like myspace, and you really have nothing to worry about. just tell your parents that a lot of your friends have a facebook account, friends that you havent seen in a while that havent got a myspace account, and that you'd really like to keep in contact with them. millions of people in the world have facebook.  

  20. woww tell them before they find out or they're going think you were lying to them

  21. Well, see what happens when you keep things from your parents?

    Tell them, just say "I want to tell you something I should have asked you about first". And say sorry. They`l love you for telling the truth!

    We`ve all been there.

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