
My parents lost complete trust in me, how can I regain that trust?

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I'm not going to go into full detail on why they lost their trust in me, but i was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to make them trust me a little bit at the very least. thanks.




  1. .,then, do something that you know that they will make them proud..

    .,do something that will impress them..

  2. As a mother of a tween and a teen....

    Parents want to trust their kids...believe me, they don't want to doubt you, it hurts them to do so.  It does depend on the seriousness of the action that caused them to lose faith in you.  

    Just do what you know they expect from you and do it consistently.  Don't keep bringing the trust issue up...let it die a quiet death.  Eventually they will see that you are doing your best and they will realize that you are young and doing stupid things just comes naturally to you (no insult meant).  Hopefully they'll remember some stupid stuff they did when they were your age...and believe me honey...everyone has done things they wish they could are not alone at all.

  3. Uhmm...It depends on what you did. You should try telling them your sorry ,what you did was completely wrong, & how you fully unstand why they dont trust you. Then ask them to give you another chance.(If they dont, say "I understand"then walk away all sad) That way, they'll think your taking it as seriously as them. Believe me..It works with mines ALL the time.  

  4. You will have to work hard and be that again it will take alot of time. i am not sure why but you have to show them you will be now a different person and not lie and do what they want. you have to be able to be honest and come by and stand by your convictions. you have to know to act stupid isn't' a good thing and they will hold this against you for abit and you have to be big and take it like a man and do right show them you are confident and that you can take it wit h he chin now and stand up and be counted by yourself nd not let others put you on their chain and run along like apuppy if that was it.

  5. you have to do everything right.

    always tell the truth and don't do anything bad.

    and do random good things.

    good luck!

  6. words are mightier than the sword.

    something you did or said you wouldn't created a loss of trust.

    Parents aren't as stupid as some think and just saying whatever to fit the situation to get what you want becomes phony over time and is easily seen through by parents that care.

    If they didn't care about you then this wouldn't be an issue

  7. Yes, you can regain their trust. It might take a while, but just make sure you obey them. (Except if it's something that is against your beliefs.. as in religious.. if you have any.)

    Serve them. Make the beds, do the dishes, be home early from hanging out with your friends. Call them when you get somewhere so that they know you're okay. They might think you're sucking up to them at first, but it will help in the long run.  

  8. well yea umm first of all tell them what actually happened and everytime they want you to do somthing never complain or give them attitude

    second  always tell them whats going on in your life you know just tlk to them like they arent yor parents


    hope it helps

  9. See When I get in trouble I spend time with them. I also feed/take care of the pets. Take them out to dinner. Talk to them and tell them how you feel.

  10. Just a guess, but your parents love you. They want you to be the best person you can be. Try listening to them and let them know that you intend to prove to them that you are a good person and love them.

  11. Talk to them - explain how you feel about having lost that trust and how important it is for you to regain it and ask them what it will take to begin that process.  Realize that it won't be easy for them to put that trust back in you and ask them to realize that it isn't easy for you to prove to them that you won't violate that trust again but that it will be impossible for you to prove it if they don't give you the opportunity to do so.  

  12. tell them you will come home around 10pm.

    dont show up that night, and tell them if they dont start to trust you... things will continue to be how you want them to be.

  13. always listen to what they want you to do.

    never talk back.

    never give them attitude.

    explain to them what actually happened.

    ehh, good luck :]

  14. Trust develops slowly. We feel trust in someone when that person's words and actions match. One day at a time, be sure that you do exactly what you say you are going to do. Also, say what you do; that is, tell them your plans. Let them in on what's going on with you. Parents are rightly concerned about the dangers of modern life. They feel less afraid for your safety if they know what you're doing and where you are. I know it's hard because you want some independence and privacy, but it's the best way to build trust.

    The second important factor in trust is to show respect for what matters to them. They need to know that you will respect their feelings and preferences around the house. When you think about it, it's really all about practicing the Golden Rule: treat them the way you would want to be treated by your child. Don't mistreat material things in the house. Clean up after yourself. Be aware that others in the house need peace and quiet just as you do. Think about the other person -- the Native American quote is "Walk a mile in his moccasins" -- so you can think, "How would I like to be treated if I were that person?"

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you -- because they will. People treat you the way you teach them to treat you. They watch how you treat them, and then they treat you that way.

    The most powerful tool I can offer you is this: Every so often, find you mother or your father and say the magic words. "I have a little time before [whatever you're doing next.] Is there anything I can do to help you?"

    It's magic.

    Best of luck.

  15. Be a good kid Dont drink dont smoke DONT use drugs, do your homework, get a job show some responsibility

  16. Let them know you are sorry. It will take a long time for them to forgive and trust again depending on what you did.Act normal, do what you are told. Explain to them why you did what you did and ask them for advice.( what would they have done differently).By asking their advice this shows them that you respect them and their opinions.

  17. Well not knowing the details makes it hard to give specific advice, but overall 'straighten up and fly right'.  If you want to get it together as far as your parents go, you need to have decent friends, apply yourself in school the best you can, and keep your head low.  Messing up bad is really good in one big way.. it helps you grow up quick.  I know it worked for me.  When you s***w up totally, it makes you think, and it makes you say wow, this isn't what I want my life to be like.  So you start trimming friends that are fun but no good, looking towards the future a bit more and thinking of getting your act together.  If you start growing up a bit, you'll go far regaining trust.  Just look at the adults you respect.  How do they treat people, and talk to people, and how do they conduct their lives.  Follow that example and you'll be good to go.

  18. For 1 lie it takes like 20 truths to make up for it.  You just need to be honest, keep your word and always be in communication with them for a long time.

  19. It will take time but you will have to earn it back. Keep being responsible and acting properly. There are not too many quick fixes in this. Word of mouth is good...if respected other family members and teachers speak your praises then that can help too.

    Just really do an about face and if they ask why the sudden change just tell them quietly (no grandstanding) that you are trying to earn their respect back.

  20. You are going to have to do whatever they say for a long time before they trust you again.

  21. It takes time. It's good that you're trying to regain their trust, though. Try writing a really heartfelt letter apologizing for what you've done, or having a heart to heart talk. That will show your parents that you really care and are sorry for what you've done, but it'll still probably take time. Be on your best behavior and try doing some household chores or something to make up for whatever you did, and make sure to mention that you're sorry a lot. Good luck!

  22. Without any specifics, it's a little hard to answer this.  Was it a case where they told you not to do something or go somewhere, and you did? If so, you can understand how they've lost trust.  What you need to do is show them your maturity.  Stay in line, listen and respect their rules.  Over time they will naturally WANT to trust you again, and you will earn another chance.  Good luck!

  23. you should have thought  about that before you did that bad thing  you said you would never do!

  24. Just tel the truth about everything and always be respectful.....should work in a week or so........

  25. Try to be dependable in small ways. Don't give them any more excuses to brush you off as too impulsive, meaning come home when they expect you to, keep a curfew so they don't worry. Help out around the house, they will appreciate it. If you need to, set them aside and speak to them seriously about how you're going to start brand-new, and ask them to put a little trust in you, in small ways. If they listen, from here on they will be able to trust you again. Hope this helps, good luck!

  26. takes time to build and when lost takes longer to rebuild.  follow the rules, have light conversation about how you understand what you did broke their trust but you've learned and it wont happen again.  just dont push it because the sincerity of the message of your apology will be lost too.

  27. Well, if they say anything during conversations.  Just say, "I'm a kid, we all make mistakes. You were a kid too once".  It reminds them that you are a kid and you are still learning.  BTW, tell them that you are learning from the mistake. And for God's sake, don't s***w up again.  

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