
My parents make me feel like c**p?

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okay. so whenever something does wrong, my mom always finds ways to blame me for it. she gets really mad at me for small things, like, for example, not agreeing with her in an argument. she also tries to do things that will purposefully annoy me. she has seriously made me want to kill myself (and don't tell me i need to get help). what do you think is wrong with her?




  1. I think most of us come from families with some dysfunctional members.   A home or a work place can become posioned without anyone realizing how bad conditions have become.  Except the main victim.  You!   I wonder if you can point to a year, an event like a birthday, or a holiday the past few years that seem to be a turning point in your relationship with your mom.  I get the feeling that the condition has worsened over the past few years.  I guess I would ask myself:  "what is different today compared to two years ago?"   You are becoming more your own person and sometimes a mom forgets that you are growing up.   That you are not still in the frist grade. Most family mistreatment is not intentional.  Parents and kids forget to show each other the respect we would show to a stranger.  

  2. I would tell my mother than what she is doing and saying hurts your feelings. I would also mention that you want to respect the things that she says and does, but when she does things to hurt you on purpose, it makes it hard to. Ask her how would she feel if you brought out all of her faults. Being the child, you can always be respectful but that doesn't make you a door mat. Are your grandparents around? If you have a relationship with them, I would tell them especially a grandmother. They understand beyond parents sometimes. Sorry your mother isn't nice.  

  3. My mother can be like that...and to be honest i just avoid her at every corner i can. But we have issues from the past that make me not even want to see her from day to day. I say you either find a common ground by speaking with her or you find a way for you to be comfortable. As long as your underage and can't live on your own your stuck hun, sorry you have to deal with such c**p. Also sometimes take a look at your actions and see if maybe your the one at times that brings fights up or disagreements. Us as humans can be selfish and see problems in others before within ourselves. Good Luck

  4. i dont understand why shes being so mean.  try to talk to her about it.  sometimes mothers may be jealous because of their kid's youth or something like that.  

  5. I mean someone naturally I can't imagine would be that mean. Sounds like you are a teenager. i ams ure you have an attitude problem even if you don't mean to have one because I know I did. Just try to put yourself in check, think before you speak and maybe that will change how your mom feels, and def. tell her how you are feeling. Hate is a strong word and I doubt she hates you.

  6. you should tell your mom how you feel and that you don't like the way she treats you that you want to be treated like an adult i think your mom is nuts just by mocking you and calling you selfish and to me i think your mom is acting like a child herself

  7. only you are the one who can make that ultimate choice of being shellfish enough to end your life just because of a fight.

    You are just going through a phase that all of us go through,if you really can not stand being around your mom, try to Friend a friends family that will take you in and, give you a cool down period..

    My mom and I used to write letters to each other for the other to read, some times it was the best way to stop an argument, we still do things the same way sometimes.

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