
My parents passed away 14 yrs ago, why do I get so depressed close to my birthday?? ?

by Guest62804  |  earlier

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My parents where taken away 14 years ago. Since then I am divorced with 2 beautiful kids. But I get so depressed when my birthday rolls around. I feel like I shouldn't celebrate. My boyfriend is trying to make a HUGE deal out of my bday and it's just making me upset. I wish he would just forget the day.




  1. You need to look inside yourself and be honest with yourself. Only YOU know why you get depressed around your birthday. Perhaps that day, which celebrates your life, sub conciously deepens the impact of your loss. You are here, ALIVE, with 2 gorgeous kids and a guy who cares enough to want you to be happy on that day...maybe it's time you released the past and start living in the now. Life is way too short, open your heart and your mind and enjoy the rest of this journey. Be well.

  2. awwww, I am sooo sorry to hear that!    You will always think of your parents and proally get a little sad on important days like that BUT They would want you to go forward and CELEBRATE your birthday!!    and just think** They will be celebrating with you!    

  3. Although I could never imagine losing either parent, let alone both, you should celebrate your birthday.  Your parents celebrated your life because it was so important to should celebrate in their remembrance.

  4. Your birthday is something that you were used to celebrating with your mother and father and now they are not there to do that with you. I understand how you feel I lost my father a year ago in September and on my birthday I had the hardest day because I kept thinking he would call right at 5:30am like he has since i was a kid I even set an alarm at that time and when my phone didnt ring I took it really hard and didnt do anything for the rest of the day. You should however let your family do something small for you. I know its hard but your kids look forward to taking care of mommy that day and you deserve it. I hope this helps and I am sorry for your lose. My prayers are with you and I hope things get better

  5. could be because ur birthday was the day ur mother conceived u with the help of ur father. That was the day a family was created. that could be the dilemna...dont u think they would want u to be happy on ur birthday? i would think they would be happy.

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