
My parents...?

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say that you cant get the same proteins you do in meat on a vegetarian diet and they think a vegetarian diet would be bad for me because of this... is this true and how can i connivence them to let me?

plus i've read alot of stuff about going vegetarian or vegan helps promote help for world hunger and stuff like that.. i need to know about that so i can explain it to them also and they dont just keep shooting me down about everything...

please help! i really want to become a vegetarian but they wont let me!




  1. Why don't you find out for yourself...

    Go vegetarian and you'll quickly see how much more tired you will feel and how much muscle you will lose.

    Basically, you'll just start looking like a deflated flabbier form of your former self.

  2. you can get protein on a vegetarian diet, if you get meatless or soy products there's protein in those.


  3. It's not true. Proteins are proteins, whether they come from meat or beans/pulses, nuts, tofu etc.

    As a vegetarian you just have to make sure you eat a good balanced diet, same as with meateaters.

    The only things that are slightly more diffcult to get naturally in a vegetarian diet (and only slightly) are some B vitamins, and omega acids that are found in fish (vegetarian sources are seeds like linseeds).

    If your parents are worried, they can buy you multivitamins. It will benefit them too as a vegetarian diet is usually much lower in saturated fats (unless you eat loads of cheese) and costs less as meat is much more expensive than vegetables.

    If they don't "let you", just eat whatever they give you exept for the meat. They'll soon tire of trying to force you to do something you don't want to.

  4. Maybe this can help, there are tips on talking to parents on this issue:

    You may want to print out this on the healthy veg diet :

    You may introduce them to watch the documentary VCD Earthlings, to let them understand what you know about the factory farming etc, here is the link :

    This website will have all the information you need to show to your parents:

    Let them read, if not you print out for them to read.  Talk to them nicely, have a good heart to heart talk. You can't change them overnite, so be patience.  Your parents are worry about you and your healthy. You need to make them feel at ease that you have done all the research, you know how to take care of yourself and your healthy. You need proofs to show them that.  

    You can go for a deal, that you will eat wisely and healthy as a vegetarian.

    All the best : )

  5. You are lack of stuff.

    Why don't you download those readily available"video footage" and play to them whenever they feel free?. You are making such a havoc & hassle out of such a huge effort that people have put before you. And convert them into MP4/3GP portable/mobile devices. In future, others may download from you, and all others stem from it.

  6. They're absolutely right. Pay attention to your parents. When you turn 18, think again about becoming a vegetarian.

  7. Congrats on becoming a vegetarian ;D

    Tell your parents that it is a myth that vegetarians don't get enough protein. I never met one vegetarian who said they weren't getting enough protein.

    This site will show you how much protein you need and vegetarian foods that are high in protein -

    More high protein foods -

    If you like, you can show them this site that shows 101 reasons to become a vegetarian ..

    Good luck ;)

  8. I had the same problem when I said I wanted to become a vegetarian. I did some researched online and I talked to my doctor and showed them everything I had found out. They are beginning to be okay with my decision as long as I eat right.

    So just try showing them some things about vegetarians and vegans and ask them to take you to the doctor to talk to them about how you can be sure to get the right amount of protein.
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