
My parents say i need consoling/ psychiatrist?

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they say every-time i get mad i yell, and i don't even notice i'm doing it. i supposedly "freak out over every little thing"

what could be wrong with me?

is there anything wrong with me that could be causing this?




  1. what you have is quite common for a teenager.  some people grow out of it and others continue to be grumpy adults and become employed by the kentucky department of motor vehicles.  maybe it would be a good idea just to have a chat with a counselor. it cant hurt

  2. I would do like your parents say and go to a psychiatrist.  It might really help and you might feel much better.  If you need it you can go to counselling after you establish with a psychiatrist.  You may have a chemical imballance in your brain.

  3. heheeh, i like ur nameeeee!!lol

    but 4 ur question the answer-idk try asking on yahoo answers, ppl usually answer u with! responses! hooray!

    o can i b picked as zee best ansahh?!?!?

  4. How old are you?  If you just had to guess what it is that's bothering you, or even had to make-up some believable reason, what you say is bothering you?  Make a list of all the reasons you would guess.  Make a list of what each of your friends would guess is causing you pain.  Make a list of what each of your parents would guess might be bothering you, and make a list of the things or thing each of your siblings would guess are bothering you, and then talk to whomever your comfortable with about each and every idea that was suggested  to see what makes sense to you and and you can fit into the  situation you're in right now.    NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT:  DO NOT CHALLENGE THEIR COMMENTS or you will not hear the whole truth as they see it.  Remember you want their thoughts, not the ones you think are true.  When you are soliciting these ideas and/or lists DO NOT ARGUE !  JUST LISTEN and write down all the ideas without making any comments.  It's a little difficult not to comment right there and then, but if you do they will shut down or not tell the whole truth as they see it.  It is then OK to ask a couple questions BUT ONLY AFTER THEY HAVE FINISHED offering their suggested reasons and then you should make additional notes to clarify their ideas in your mind.  Good luck to you . . . Len (I'm an adult)

  5. Hi Bella,

    Nothin's really wrong with ya! Trust me. Everybody's diagnosing kids these days. Everybody's got ADHD before it was ADD and before that in my time it was "hyper" active that is.

    So what's gfoing on? Shouting at mom and dad, they don't hear ya, much less listen? How about the doc's, your GP for instance, maby there's no family GP. It's a tryin time for teens and pre-teens, stress in school, outa school, peer pressure, fears of bullying or failing, etc.etc.etc.

    Teachers today are also becoming little doc's they're diagnosing all kind of so called learning problems and blaming it on chemicals/hormones outa whak and social problems, boyfriend/girlfriend issues (if your that age), home situations, deaths of loved ones, problems in the community/school or even the country. You've heard the news, I'll bet.

    Anyway, what to do?

    Talk to a nurse at school about the whole situation if you can. Or confide in a friend. Go to the mall and talk it all out dear, your side, dad and mom's side, anybody else's side, your friend(s) side (somebody you trust. (That's number 1)

    Number 2. have a chat with a GP (doctor) not a cousellor or psychiatrist first. Let her give you a check up to tell you if your ok for your age, girl issues, height, weight, pulse rate, heart beat, urine test etc. etc. if your ok physically and she thinks so then any problem your parents are picking up is likely, emotional and psychological. There may be somehting, some trigger at home or school that has you on edge even if you don't realise it. It may be there. Try not to be in denial if you see something interfearing with your peace of mind and calmness check it out don't wait. Remember, prevention is better than cure. Get it looked after early. It doesn't mean your weak or that you have to tell everybody you saw a shrink or counsellor, like something maaaajooor is up. I'm not saying anything is up emo., but I'm not saying there's nothing up. Try to listen to ya mom and dad, if it's both of them, because in the end they're feeding and clothing ya, which should count for something.

    So heads up, don't feel bad, it's not your fault. Tell yourself, you're aproduct of your genes and your environment(surroundings) neither of which you've chosen at this age, believe me . So nothings your fault. your just beeing smart and doing the smart thing.

    Don't tell people if you do need medical help, cause people tend to laugh sometimes whcih is embarrassing for most of us

    and they'll put a label on you, like nerd, whako or something else.

    Your still young so the good news is you can conquor anything with faith, love and meds if ya need them for sure. if ya do, please take them as you should, they'll help ya cope better and feel better, believe me.

    Lot's of folks here on yahoo can relate, I bet.

    Listen to their answers.

    Good luck Bella and e-mail me if ya need any kinda advice.


    I'm a clinical specialist and trainee doctor.

    Luv in the big guy upstairs (they call him Jesus)  

  6. Oh gosh no. This does not require a psychiatrist. Lots of people get mad and yell. Just try very hard, make a conscious effort, to stop this habit. It's just a habit is all, one you need to stop. It is not a mental problem.

  7. maybe you are stressed about something and you dont even know it? you should try writing in a diary everyday and look it over and see what it is that you get mad about... if your parents are willing to get you a therapist, dont take it as a bad thing... sometimes it is nice to have an outside party to talk to. There probably isnt anything seriously wrong with you.. i dont know how old you are but if your a teen... thats how we all were! lol

  8. haha i am the same way, i get frickin psycho everytime my mom and dad and sis get m=smart wit me, my mom wants me to go 2 a shrink, i wanna go but at the same time i dont want anybody 2 kno my business u kno? but yea i can understand u completely but u probably just need anger management like im taking, its okay u watch a lot of videos on controling anger but its good, a lot of teens have anger issues its no big deal

    hope this helped = ]  

  9. I can't say you don't because i never experince but psychologist and psychiatrist are very busy people with hardly anytime to spare and seeing someone with i guess angery issues would be a waste..but if your parents want you too and its affecting you then yes you should, seeing a psychologist is not bad i actually enjoy it and its help a ton..but i really need some help dealing with anxiety and a eating disorder..if your going for angery issues most people visit every couple of weeks to even six weeks..i see mine twice a week but that just me..most see theirs every other week or once a week

  10. I don't think there's anything wrong with you. A counselor may be able to help you to control your emotions or anger. This could be very useful, but only if you're open to it. Good luck!

  11. With the limited information given, I couldn't honestly tell you if something is "wrong with you." But I know when it comes to family issues, it is very difficult to find out the truth of the situation. Part of the problem could be you, and part of it could be them, and how they interpret your actions. If you get counseling, I suggest other family members go too. That will help get to the bottom of things.  

  12. Answer: You are a very angsty teenager, and must calm the heck down. theres no need to be so angsty.  

  13. Either too much discipline or too little.  Too much sugar?  tourette syndrome?  I would send you to camp!

  14. sounds just like normal teenage rebellion and defensiveness.  But if your parents want you to talk to a counselor and then maybe it's for them too.  Not every parent has the book on parenting.  It'll be good to get a third party view on the family dynamic.  Either way, they want a change from you and maybe they need some guidance themselves.

  15. Since when was there something "wrong" because you are being a regular teenager.  That's your job as a teenager.  Being mad is not a sin,  Your parents need to be more patient.  I guess we adults forget what it use to be like when we were teenagers.  Life has so many twists and turns.  Hormone mess everything up.  You will outgrow this too and if you don't then seek help.  Take a deep breath my dear.  Growing up was never easy just be patient everyone  this will pass.  

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