
My parents see me as is naive & vulnerable?

by Guest61387  |  earlier

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I've just turned 17, I work part time in a cafe attached to a hotel, and I live just outside a remote seaside town in the UK. My problem is my parents, who're totally against me being independant at all during evenings and in certain places. I go back to college soon and the only times I can really work then will be Friday evenings and Sundays, the Friday which they are refusing to let me work because it's their day off (they manage the hotel). They insist on coming to pick me up when there's a bus I could catch from town. I'm particularly unhappy about this because I enjoy working evenings, and I need the extra money on top of Sunday's. Another example is not being allowed to walk my dog in the countryside alone, close to where we live. I know that walking down town in the dark and being alone in the country do have safety risks, but so does practically everything the way I see it. I'm sick of them saying I'm so naive to danger and them cramping me of my freedom. My mum is also against drinking and nights out; she gets really cold whenever I mention how I'm looking forward to be 18, and can go out for drinks with my work colleagues. Plenty of people my age have done these things for years, even though they do live directly in the town. How can I get them to let me do these things? Thanks for reading and please answer because I am really frustrated =]




  1. your parents are just looking out for you in the only way they know how. all parents wish that they could wrap up their children and protect them from all the bad things in the world- arranging for your mum or dad to pick you and your friends up afterwards is a good compromise. when they see that you are acting responsibly they will probably give you a bit more leeway. just remember that the big bad world is a dangerous place and even though you might think that you are all grown up, mum & dad really do know best.  

  2. Totally unreasonable I had my 17 year old working each night at the lap dance club to bring in some extra money to the home.

    I can't see why your parents should be so protective, what is the world coming to when parents can't let their teenage daughter walk down dark country lanes on her own. What an outrage.

  3. well hun. i see that u need to stay close to ur parents. i was never close wiv my mum we argued the night before she died. what ever u do just stay close hunny. im 18 now and i know what im talkin about. i have now got a 6 month old baby boy. i fell pregnant nearly a year after she passed away. just think about it.

    and drinking aint the best thing in the world.

    try going out somewere else

  4. Where you're thinking, "Oh, what's the big deal," they are imagining identifying you in the morgue (a real possibility). And they don't think going out drinking with your mates is a very productive habit. I would stop mentioning how much you want to do it. Anyway, there's nothing you can do because they aren't going to start thinking like a 17 year old.

  5. many youngsters R naive & vulnerable, which is exactly y so many young kids come up missing. many times especially girls become prey 2 predators who want nothing but 2 exploit them, rape, hurt, kill them. maybe this'll help u 2 understand things a lil better.

    Best Wishes and God Bless you

  6. Honey i hate to break it to ya but things DONT get better as you get older. h**l im 26 and my mom told me i wasnt "allowed" to go to disney world with friends for spring break. WHen you get 18 sneak and drink and plz oh plz once you get done with college get a job and MOVE out as far away as possible. I have controlling parents and i know for a fact they dont change they just get worse.

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