
My parents smoke.......?

by Guest10886  |  earlier

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and when ever i go in public i reek like smoke. What are somethings i can do so i dont smell so bad like smoke?? And i have no choice but to be around them cause they drive me to the places i need to go and i ask them not to smoke around me but they do it anyway.. Please help




  1. I know that sucks! I hate it! My sister used to be a chimney head, smoking all the time! LOL try this tip--take a small bottle of body spray for your hair, and get a separate little bottle (a tiny one will do) put just a little (about 1/4th of the bottle) with liquid fabric softener and the rest water.  Just before you go in somewhere, spray a little on your hands and clothes. People will never smell it! And spray your hair! (also have that talk with them about maybe not smoking around you....or in the house bc that makes ur clothes stink)

  2. Try lots of things for your clothes.  Keep them in a zipped plastic bag with baking soda.lavender or tea tree oil.  

    Shower and Wash your hair just before you go out.  Wrap your hair up turban-style with a cover if they are around you smoking.   Spray the air with vinegar and water to weigh the smoke down.

    Ask them at least not to smoke in the car when you are in it.   That is a significant health issue and you need to tell them that they are affecting your health.  (Where I live there is going to be a bylaw stopping parents from smoking in cars with kids...of course, I don't know how old you are).

    Good luck.  My parents (in the old days when smoking was still considered socially acceptable) both smoked  with the windows closed for 10-hour road trips.  I just couldn't take it and demanded the windows open.

  3. Tell your parents that you love them more than anything and you know they have the willpower to stop and take control of their addiction. Smoking leads to lung cancer, and do they want to die and be happy for a bit or live long and be healthy?

    I know my mother used to smoke when she was about 20 but she quit for my dad...she carried around a little teddy bear with her which looks kind of silly, maybe your parents could always hold a big rubber ball or something to keep their hands busy.

    If that fails, it'll take time of course, and keep trying, but in the mean time you could tell them to please smoke outside because you don't appreciate it! Would they like if you went and peed all over their carpet or something?! No! That's gross, and you think smoking is too so tell them that. If they'd like to smoke do it away from you & outside. Good luck I hope I helped! =)

  4. Oh I know what your saying make sure your clothes are not where they smoke then once you get to the place go to the bathroom and chance your clothes.  

  5. You know what? Most of the public that you blend in with, either smokes, or has parents that smoke. So you have nothing to worry about.

    Until you are old enough and find your own place, you have to tolerate your parents smoking. If you don't like them smoking in the car, there's always the bus, or you can always walk. They are adults. They've earned the right to smoke.

    My father smoked around my sister and I, and we weren't harmed by it. You won't be either. Just deal with it. I'm sure your friends have dealt with it. You do have friends with parents that smoke. The odds that you don't would be sky high. They just don't complain about it like you do.  

  6. first thing

    ask them to stop smoking !!

    tell that u dont want ur parents to die from lung cancer and the last time ull be meeting is in a surgery room or on the hospital bed right ?

    u wud want it at a peaceful place !!!

    but if they dont , put up a condition

    only smoke when ure NOT around

    or last option , try to buy a perfume which stays on u

  7. You cannot force them to quit smoking.

    Instead, give them a guilt trip.

    "Mom, Dad, I know you have to smoke, but I don't want to develop lung cancer from all the second hand smoke I've been breathing in for all these years.  Can you buy me an Air Purifier?"

    It'll keep you healthier and the smell won't be as intense.

    A good air purifier will cost about $180, which sounds like alot, but considering that a pack of cigarettes costs over $4, your parents can no doubt afford it.

    As for getting rid of the smoke smell, there is really nothing that can be done about it without airing your clothes outside overnight.  As a former smoker (I quit in May 2007), I know what you are talking about.

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