
My parents think I'm too skinny

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I'm 14, 5'5'' and 103 lb. which I think is a really good weight and i'm fine with my body weight but I also like myself better on the days that i'm thinner. Anyways, I don't have an eating disorder but my parents think that i'm too skinny and they always say "are you sure you're eating enough" or "you hardly eat anything anymore" and every time I only say i'm not always hungry they say "....well you're never hungry, your a stick."

but ok

1. on school days I don't eat breakfast because i'm in such a rush and i'm not hungry that early in the morning

2. i don't eat much for lunch because I don't like much of the school lunches and if i bring something from home its a crappy pb&j sandwich

3.strangely when i get home for dinner i still am not that hungry but I try to eat a good ammount so that my family doesn't get on my case

so my question is, how do I get my parents to stop worrying and bothering me and is it ok/normal that i'm never really hungry?




  1. My parents are the same. They always force me to eat.  But I feel guilty and disgusted by it afterwards. I just don't like to eat a lot, it's my metabolism and appetite. If anything, they make me want to lose even more weight.I am a guy, and I am 5'11 and weigh 130 pounds. The problem is, I'll never look "thin" because I have a wider frame (wide chest and hips) so I look like I weigh more than I actually do. The only thing people can ever tell me is "oh you lost weight" or "oh you look thin." The idea of putting on weight actually does disgust me. And I am criticized for having thin limbs as opposed to some muscle. I'm not kidding, and I think I do have a problem. But I want someone to just accept me for who I am rather than pity or worry about me. To those who who want to lose weight- because they are obese or overweight- you should feel better. Because there are actually people who are supporting you along the way to your better health. But us? We are treated like freaks and we are pitied. And the only choice we have to escape that prejudice is to lose even more weight. It's a vicious cycle, and I hope I will be able to be more accepting of myself one day.

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