Ever since I have told my parents I want to be a vegetarian all they do is laugh and think I'm kidding. I was at my cousins house the other day and my mom asked my aunt ' Did Jamie ( my 14 year old cousin ) ever go through a vegetarian stage? ' Then my aunt and cousin started laughing.
My mom will mix my vegetarian foods with meats in the freezer. A few days ago I had my Morning Star products seperated from the frozen meats and on my own shelf. Then my dad comes in and ' organizes ' it all and mixes my vegetarian foods with frozen meats, which I thought was gross. I told my mom what happened, and all she said was ' so? '.
Their really annoying me and taking my vegetarianism as a joke. Actually Ive been a veggetarian for about 2 months, and whenever my mom sees a friend she will always say ' Oh, she is TRYING to be a vegetarian. ' - she like never pays attention to me, so she doesn't know that Ive been a vegetarian for some time. How can I get my parents to take me seriously?