
My parents want me to keep me inside the house?

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im 17, male, live in California, my parents don't want me to go out. they want me to be home by night time. i don't get to sleep over. i don't get to go somewhere far like even to a theme park. its pissing me off so much. and when I'm stuck at home, they make me do yard work that is unnecessary. what they do is make a "temporary" design, and then do it with real... its complicated. make it REALLY nice. i dont understand why they wont let me out for a day or 2, have sleep overs. like when im too tired to even get up and go home. ive been out over curfew and when i come home, they are in the living room, waiting for me to come home. none of my friend's parents are like mine. theyre are some that dont to go out as much, but then get a big reward, like stay out for a week. i dont get to drive either, and they let me get a drivers license.




  1. i know exactly how you feel! read this;...

  2. you only have to deal with this for one more year. when you turn 18, stay out all night.

  3. Parents with rules like this (my parents were pretty bad too) are hard to sway. I rebelled to the max. I would stay out hours past curfew and not call to tell them where I was just cuz I knew it would drive them nuts. Then I'd get in trouble for it, and ignore whatever my punishment was. They tried everything. Taking away TV, computer, phone, not allowed to go out, etc. I'm 23 now and obviously things are better. First thing you need to do is try to understand why they're like this. My parents were the "because we said so" type. Ask them why they don't let you sleep out. Is this all the time or just on school night? If you figure out why they don't want you doing these things, you might be able to make a compromise with them. I used to say "i'll call you if i wont be home by X time" "i'll call you if I'm leaving X's house" etc. That way they felt better knowing where I was and didn't worry so much. My mom still waits up for me, she just worries. Do you have a cell phone? Remind them that if you're out, they can always get a hold of you. Try making "deals" i.e. If I do your unnecessary yard work on Saturday, can I stay out till 2? Are you close with any of your parents friends? Sometimes they can help provide insight, or can talk to your parents. Parents sometimes forget that their kids need to learn how to stand on their own two feet, and they might need some convincing from a professional. They probably need someone to tell them that kids make mistakes, and it's ok, its the best way to learn. Hope this helps you a bit.  

  4. some ppl may not like my answer but what ev.

    what about sneaking out? if u get cought u tell them it's their fualt. if they would let u have some freedom and fun every now and then, u wouldn't have ot resort to that.

    or u could try talkin to them. altho they don't seem liek the kind of parents to listen to their son when they should.

    or u could guilt trip them.

    or do a combo:  talk ot them then if that don't work, sneak out.

  5. That sounds rough.

    I recommend that you speak to them if you haven't already. It sounds like they are first generation asian or something because they are being very over protective. I am sure they have your best interest in mind, however if seems that your comfort and freedom is being compromised. They might now like this advice but I learned it last year: Its easier to get forgiveness then get permission. Think about what that means, think about what situations you can use that advice in.

    You are almost 18 which means your parents are expecting you to move soon so in the meantime they are taking all the time they can with you because you will have the rest of your life to lead without them.

    Get a job and move out, because they will have the final say in their house.

    If it really sucks you can get an emancipation from your parents, just be ready for real world responsibilities.

    Good Luck!

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