
My parents want me to take the SATS and im just starting the 8th grade what should i do ?

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i dont think id know all of the stuff on the test and i said that id be more than happy to take the test whrn im in the 10th grade but my parents are so stubborn pls help i think that if i go itll just be a waste of time and money but my dad just wont stop botherin me about it e says that h**l hurt me if i dont agree to takin the test i guess its just a threat to make me do it but i knoww that if i get him over the edge he'll hit me pls tell me wat i should do




  1. Just take it. You've got nothing to lose, just a saturday of time. Yes, you may not have seen some concepts on the test, but you will see where youre at. Also, a lot of the SAT, especially math, doesn't require any background knowledge at all. If you do bad no one will even know or care ever.

  2. Honestly, it's a good idea to start now. I know it seems really early since you're only in eighth grade and taking the real SATs is not for another three years, but it's really a good thing to start preparing now. You have no idea how much studying there is to do for it. The SAT is out of 2400 and an ideal score for UCs would be at least above 2000 and private universities/Ivy Leagues would be above 2250. It is so hard to reach these scores. I am a junior in high school this upcoming year and I'm taking the real SATs in a few months. I started studying beginning of sophomore year and my SAT scores were at 1500. It is a year later and I've been studying a lot and my score still won't even reach 1800. There will be tons of different prep books that you will use and even classes that you can take to get ready for this test. And if you start now, you will have much more time to make gradual improvements. I have to miraculously jump my score from 1700s to a 2100 or above for the schools I want to apply to. Trust me. It's good to start now. If I could go back time and start earlier I would, so I wouldn't be killing myself now. Plus, you will be taking a lot more tests along with the SATs. I am taking 9 tests this year (PSAT, SAT, 3 SAT IIs [subject tests], 3 AP tests, and ACT). See why you should start now?

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