
My parents want me to think of a punishment because of my car accidents...?

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Within the past 2 years I have gotten into three car accidents. The first one was when I hit a lady who stopped short a light, (wasn't any damage oddly) The second one was when my car slid into a curb during an ice storm in my development. The third was actually yesterday, when I was pulling out of my garage and I was trying to avoid hitting my mom's car that was parked outside, I hit the side of the garage and dented my car and the side of the garage (minor) but my car has a pretty big size dent right between the driver side front wheel and the front left light. So my dad flipped out last night and ended up taking the siding of the garage and threw it at my car, which ironically will cost more damage to my car because it will need to be repainted. but anyway, today we had a long talk and he told me to give him some ideas of punishment because right now he just wants to sell the car so that I do not even have one for college. someone help!!! I don't know what punishment to come up with




  1. go to a defensive drving course or something to that effect, might help your driving skills, and then your dad might let you keep your car..

  2. tell them you will only drive on the days that end in y

  3. Once your Dad calms down, offer to pay for your own insurance (or what you cost your parents on their plan) if you don't already.  Also offer to pay for the damages you caused to the car and/or the house.

    Chances are fairly good that once your Dad calms down a little, he'll turn down at least one of your two offers if not both and you'll get your car and driving priviledges back.  AND BE MORE CAREFUL IN THE FUTURE!  Hitting garages and curbs only happens when you don't pay attention - they don't hit you!

  4. It sounds to me like you should never be allowed behind the wheel of a car.....EVER!!!!  If you slammed into someone in front of you, that's your fault. You were following too close and didn't give yourself enough room to stop.  If there is one thing I hate, It's tailgaters. They should all have their licenses taken away.

  5. There is no more appropriate punishment than not letting you drive.  

    But that won't really help the problem, because while you might be more careful after that, your (obviously SEVERELY deficient) skills will have diminished by then.

    "Oh, it was during an ice storm" isn't an excuse.  Cars can be controlled on ice.  It shouldn't take you more than a couple of minutes to figure out how.  Hitting the garage was the result of you not being aware of where your car ends.  And "stopped short a light"?  Stopped short at a light?  That's not an excuse either.  You should have been following far enough behind her that you wouldn't run into her.  

    Honestly, some people just shouldn't be allowed to drive.

    Oh yeah, and all-season tires aren't.  There is no such thing as an all-season tire.


    The only other punishment that gets straight to the point is making you pay for your own insurance, if you aren't already.

  6. im guessing tha your parents are paying the insurance for your episodes,which does increase every time a claim is filed.sounds to me like you need to take a driving class,and learn to slow down when the weather is bad,and yes,you could have been ticketed for running into the curb for failure to control your vehicle.slow down and pay more attention when you are driving,simple solution.

  7. 2 weeks no car. Agree to ride a bike, walk or public transportation.

  8. Simple. You take over all finances on the car and that way they can't say a thing. You learn responsibility at the same time when your insurance goes up or the insurance company drops you.

  9. Two out of three were carelessness - so no personal driving privileges for one year.

    Personally pay for all fines and property damages to one or both vehicles.

    Learn from these experiences please.

  10. Danielle, this is to your Father : Dear Sir, as a grandfather let me offer some advice. #1 2 wrongs don't make a right, why did ya hit the car with siding?. Sounds like your temper caused more damage(very childish I might add, son) #2 is , do the accidents have to be fixed on Danielle's car in order to drive it? See, my Father, God rest his Soul, got a car for me and my 2 sisters to learn to drive in and pass down, as we were 3 yrs apart in age and it was a big ol' Buick and the dents and dings didn't matter as long as we were Ok after an accident. Isn't that what it's about, your child's safety?That garage is some wood and vinyl siding, that 'curb job" could have been her sliding across the yellow line in front of a semi or over an embankment. Your precious daughter is alive and well and that is ALL THAT MATTERS!!!!!!!Now if you went out and bought her an expensive car to learn to drive on , then that is YOUR FAULT MISTER, NOT HERS!!!!!! Kids will be kids and accidents do happen. Remember wrecking bicycles when you were little, scraping paint, busting reflectors? When you learned to drive I guess you never had a fender bender?. A car is simply plastic,steel, rubber and glass with a zero net worth after 12 yrs. So what is it worth to have your precious girl 12 yrs from now, or even for just one more day? Punishment should be " For Time Already Served in the dept of Guilt on her part:!!!!! Case Dismissed!!!!

  11. Tell them to make you eat an ice cream sundae.

  12. honey, you just asked a question. you need to understand that when you ask a question here, you're opening it up to all opinions, some u may not like in addition to good ones. so please try to ignore the dumb ones.

    to answer your question ... i can see the idea of taking away your car to be a good sounding idea to your dad. then, he wouldnt have to pay car payments and stuff.

    I do want to help you out so ill tell you,  hes probably trying to get you to look back and show him whether you're mature enough to have the car

    i would really recommend that you write a letter and take responsibility for your actions. i noticed that you kind of made excuses for what happened. take the fault.

    a good punishment would be a safe driving course.

    ask your dad to help you look up a course maybe once a week for about 4-6 weeks. and if you do that then you can have use of the car. or maybe, you should have to pay for the damage

    well good luck

  13. Tell them that it was not your fault, you were drunk at the time and didn't know what you were doing.

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