
My parents will not neuter my chihuahua?

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I have a white chihuahua who is about 1 year and 5 months old.. (will be exactly that on September 1st). We have two other dogs (a white german shepherd and a St. Bernard/Golden mix, both spayed/neutered). We got our chihuahua a little over a year ago, and my parents will not neuter him? They know that it's better to neuter a dog, and we all know the reasons why. But they will not neuter him, no matter how I come at it. I, personally, do not have the money to do so, and so I can't volunteer to pay for it. I know there are health concerns, and I know he should be neutered but they won't take him to the vet to do this. I don't know why..

And we are all animal lovers, so don't bash me or my family because of this. You do not know me, and so you cannot judge. I would just like to know what I can do to convince them to neuter him..? Any suggestions?




  1. maybe your parents want to breed the dog later on. if they are the ones with money its their decision deal with it.

  2.    if cost is possibly the issue, call  your local animal shelter or humane society to see if they can direct you to a low cost neuter clinic.  some shelters even offer the service cheap or free.  call around and see what you can find out.  maybe remind your parents that smaller dogs like that will be able to easier mark around the house and you won't find it until it is too late and stinky.  once it starts it is very hard to break them of it.    since you seem to be aware of all the potential health issues, i won't even go in to all that.  

  3. Where are you? If cost is the issue I could help you find a low-cost clinic nearby. If your parents see it's not that expensive they may agree to have it done.

    Here's one in Pittsburgh, it's not that far.

    This one is in Greensburg, Google Maps says it's a 40 minute drive. It says they do it by appointment.

    Here's another

  4. Tell them this true story- my husband is a vet- and he had to but an intact male to sleep at his vet practice because the poor dog could not pee.  His prostate gland developed cancer and swelled up so much that it blocked his ability to empty his bladder.  Would not happen to a neutered male.  Keeping him intact also may cause testicular cancer- are both of his dropped into his scrotal sac- it is not uncommon in small breeds to have one t******e that is still in the body cavity.


    I love this article because it gives information about why neutering isn't the save all answer. Regarding the overpopulation I will quote...

    "Others are convinced that by castrating their dog, they will be doing the right thing regarding 'population control' - the fact is, males do not have puppies, females do. Castration is the search for the "quick fix" for people who don't wish to invest the time and effort necessary to care for their dogs properly."

    I have no fear of my dog getting some random female knocked up because I do invest my time and energy to make sure that he doesn't accidentally get near ANY other dog whether it be male or female. I do not let him out of my sight, nor is he ever outside the house off of a leash. We put a leash on him before he even steps outside the door. With the way people tie their dogs up in their backyards these days it's no wonder that there are so many mutts running around.

  6. I agree with Judgerz.  Maybe they can't afford it either.  The economy is slowly diminishing for some people.

    ADD:  There is an SPCA somewhere in PA.  I think near York, but I'm not too sure.  I can't remember.  I moved five years ago to another state, so my memories a little fuzzy.

  7. Maybe they don't have the money right now. the economy has hit us all really hard.

    i know my vet's costs for vaccs, meds and spay/neuters has gone WAY up!

    I will be paying almost $100 more a year on EACH of my dogs because of it. for this reason my husband and i are grateful to have our emergency pet savings account. we did one up about 6 1/2 yrs ago when we adopted our first it's saving us every month on things! i never thought things would be this bad ever! we aren't a poor family, but cash is tight right now.

    call up your local SPCA and see if you can qualify for their free spay/neutering program. if your parents still say no after being offered one for free...maybe you need to ask them why, and tell them you are old enough to deserve an answer about it.

  8. save aluminum cans. They can add up to a lot believe it or not. In my area, to help pay for neuters and spays for animals to be adopted, there's something called Holly Help and they get the money from people donating aluminum cans and they turn them in for money to spay and neuter.

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