
My parents won't allow me to buy contacts! HELP PLS?

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i am entering college in 2 weeks and i think i need contacts. in fact, i know i need it. its not a "omg i am a spoiled brat" thing because i truly believe i need it. wearing glasses have been very inconvenient. i also have the money to buy my own contacts. yet, they still would not let me...

what should i do?

btw, i dont have the money with me, i let my parents keep it in a bank. so pretty much, technicallyy speaking, i do have money to buy them but the money is not with me.




  1. It's your money. Tell them that.

  2. I agree with you that wearing contacts is very helpful at college. You'll be walking into class from outdoors, and on rainy and cold days, glasses fog up as soon as you walk inside. Contacts also enable you to protect your eyes from the sun with sunglasses.

    Furthermore, I think you're old enough now to make a personal decision about your body and appearance. Your parents are having trouble letting go. I can't think of a reason why contacts are objectionable, other than the cost to maintain them.

    If you are living at home, though, it's harder to enact your own decisions when they conflict with what your parents say.

    My instinct would be to move my money out into a bank of my own choosing, where my parents don't have any power to interfere.

    If possible, I would tell my parents that wearing contacts is a personal decision, and while you appreciate their good advice, you have chosen to take on the responsibility for purchasing and maintaining them. Let them know that you will still seek their advice in life, but at this point you will accept only advice, not commands. That's harder to pull off if you still have to rely on them for room and board - but truly, aside from enforcing the rules of the house, they don't have control over your body. Good luck.

  3. If you're leaving for college, you should be old enough to make your own decision. If you parents can't allow you to make choices about contacts, how do they expect you to make far more important decisions while you're living on your own. Explain to them that, as much as you respect their opinions, you feel you would like that same respect as well as a little bit of trust. Explain how you feel about glasses being inconvenient. You are an adult. Sometimes parents have trouble letting their kids go, but it has to happen eventually.

  4. well you can go and buy them yourself if you have the money for it. if you go to your eye doctor, they will have your perscription on file.

  5. Sounds like you are a Mommas boy...she is not allowing you to make any decisions for yourself..COLLEGE?!?!?!?  She is still trying to keep control of you and your decisions.....BREAK away...she is holding MONEY over your head to keep control over you...


    Money is a strong and evil power..Good luck..hugs

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