
My parents won't let me get a cellphone...

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Okay, since I'm going into middle school (6th grade) this upcoming school-year, I've been talking to my parents about getting a cellphone. I told them that I would pay for it (it's a Tracfone - only $20) and that it would be my responsibility to buy the minute cards (also $20, each one has 60 minutes on it, and lasts 5 weeks) but they still say that I can't have one! They know I'll be involved in more things this year, like band, academic teams, etc. and I will probably be doing more things with my friends now that I'm older, but they still say no! How can I convince them to let me have a cellphone??




  1. wow i just left junior highschool and i have a iphone lol

    ask whats theyre reason

    brag about how responsible you are

    when you go into a store and it has the phone walk to your mother and show her

    make sad faces

    when you start school start going outside and make them have a reason to contact you so they can get you a cellphone  

  2. I had to buy my cellphone i raised the money but theyre probably not letting you get one because your not responsible enough just show yourself to be more mature and if you whine to them thats going to make it worst! Just start raising the money and help them around the house and do your chores! you'll eventually convince them :D just act mature!! ;D good luck and if you still dont get one then dont worry when you start your clubs and they start getting worried you'll get one :)

  3. okay.. I'm going to say this as nice as possible. But you are ONLY in 6th grade.  YOu are hardly anywhere where your parents are not.  You don't need a phone.  You wont be out with your friends roaming around town alone. I know you want to act grown up but a cell phone is not the way to go.  And you said 60 minutes will last five weeks? That is crazy.  There is no way.  The only way a kid in the 6th grade can get money is waiting for their birthday or christmas to come around.  Even though you have $180 right now that's only going to last you so long.  I'm sorry but i do have to agree with your mom and dad. I'm sorry kid.  

  4. be proactive and be responsible if you can prove to them that can handle your responsibilities and more maybe you'll be ready for a cell.

    remember parents always know best!  

  5. Talk to them about it and show them you are responsible. Maybe they have their reasons. My parents wont let me have one till high school!!!

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