
My parents won't let me ride horses!?

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I am really dedicated to learning and riding horses bit my parent's don't have enough mioney to let me take lessons but i really want riding horses to become one of my hobbies along with soccer and swimming! Please answer this question with ways to let me ride or just be aroud horse!




  1. Tell her you want a motorbike instead. This may help sway her.

  2. Well, you COULD use your allowance to buy a shovel and get a job in the stables....That is IF you are REALLY serious about being around horses and don't care which end it is.

    One thing will lead to another and before you know it, you'll be stuffing unprocessed horse manure into the front of the animal and MAYBE even getting an opportunity to exercise them .


  3. Maybe if you find a way to get a job at a horse riding place(probably will depend on whether you are over 16 or not) then you will both get to be around horses and they will probably give you deals on horse riding time or even better free horse riding

  4. You could try volunteering at some sort of ranch. If you're old enough that is.

  5. because cross breeding is still illigal

    silly girl

  6. my cousin died after falling off a horse so my parents forbid me from riding now :(. you can find nearby horse shelters and im sure once you work with them long enough, the trainers can offer you lower priced lessons. convince ur parents that it's your passion and that you love horses dearly :)

  7. Maybe one of your relatives own a horse or horses or farm or something. Or maybe? I  really don't know. SORRY!

  8. How devoted are you, exactly? If you could reach an agreement with a stable owner to shovel manure, feed or groom their horses in return for lessons, would you do it? I did this for awhile and eventually got my own horse, a feisty two-year-old that I got to train, out of the deal... but if you aren't willing to consider something like this, you're probably just in a phase and your parents are right not to waste money on it.

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