
My parents won't let me see my boyfriend anymore what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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They've never really liked him before because he's older then me (I'm 17 and a junior in high school and he's 19 in a sophomore in college) but now that I forgot to do a few little things like cooking dinner, and doing chores they are really mad. The thing that really made them upset was when I forgot to pick up my little brother from soccer practice the other day. I didn't mean to it was an honest mistake but just because I was with my boyfriend they blamed him and said I couldn't see him anymore because I'm irresponsible when I'm around him. But I'm in love with him and I still want to see him what should I do?




  1. You are old enough to tell your parents that they can do whatever they want to punish you, but you have rights to a boyfriend, and you are not willing to end your relationship just because that's what they want. Just stand up to them .But remember, you did s***w up. Not picking up your little not a a little s***w up that should be brushed aside. That's a big s***w up, and I hope you apologized to him for it. There was no excuse for that, and it shouldn't have happened. If you are 17 and "forgot" to do "a few little things' that is BS! Those are your responsibilities to help out around the house and you know it. My 13 year old and my 8 year old know what responsibilities are, and helping out. If you live in the house, you pull your weight because it's your responsibility....and that's got nothing to do with your boyfriend.  

  2. Your problem is not with your parents, it is with time management. There are times to take care of your responsibilities and times to see your boyfriend. Show your parents that you are mature enough to handle both and they will be less unhappy with you. They are blaming him because they love you and don't want to blame you. If he is pressuring you to put him first before your family responsibilities, then I wonder about his maturity.  

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