
My parents wont let me get a horse...please help?

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so i have kinda of owned two horse before they were great horse BUT one of them had foundered (not my horse though<my sisters>) and the other one is old, it's not that that's bad it's just....well like i say the most difficult horse has the most to give... well anyways they are gone now :( :(:'( I miss them so much but, i cant get them back! :(

And i really miss having horse they are just so amazing and SO MUCH more! i wanna know ho to ask my parents bout geting a horse i really don't know what to say caouse they say we are moving to a smaller house but my parents say lots of things that never go through......

so i guess my questionsa are:

how do i ask my parents to let me get a horse?

is there any way to prove to them that i love and take care of horses?

or anyway that i will love and taker care of one?

and how can i convince them not to sel this house?!

please help!

i apreciate you reading this




  1. take lessons and lease a horse. if nothing else works, save up your money for one and the vet check and stuff.

  2. OMG! I had this GORGOUS horse she was soo amazing and soo pretty and sweet and everything but she foundered too...its soo terrible! anywayz... im not suree how i even got my parents to let us get horses.. so i cant help  sorry :(

  3. beg!

  4. get invloved with horse things like:

    *get lessons

    *work at a riding stable

    *always keep your room clean (believe me it helps more than you think)

    -dont bother trying to get them to not sell the house this isnt something you can control and there may be some financial situation that you may not be aware of

  5. Get a job pay for it yourself. Some parents cant afford to pay for everything.

  6. you should live on a ranch like i do i run horse back riding lessons and i own 21 horses there a big responsibility and you need a big house

  7. Well, you have to take your parents&#039; thoughts in consideration:

    Think about why they want to sell the house.

    Compromise in some way to be able to stay in your old house.

    Ex.) If they want to move b/c they cant handle cleaning up the house so much b/c its big. You can say that you will start working around the house more so they dont have to work as much.

    How do they feel about you having horses?

    Do they know you can take care of one?

    If they dont feel like you can handle a horse, dont push them, just try to show them that you can handle it. Try working as a stablehand or something at another barn, to truly see if you can handle it.

    If you really want to convince them, be sure to tell them that you know a lot about horses (Be sure you really do) and that you are willing to put all of your effort into it...etc

    Honestly though, if they dont want you to have a horse, respect that.

    I hope I helped

  8. Sit them down and tell them just like you did on here .

  9. you should do somthing vary good for your parents you should obay your parents to then you ask them if you can get a horse

  10. well you had some before, how did you ask for them? i mean if  you&#039;ve had horses before, it cant be that hard to ask for them again. unless your sister got like bucked off and killed.. that would make it different.. but she didnt so just ask the same way you asked before

  11. Prove that your responsible

  12. tell your parents how upset you are about the others, and how you love the responsibility(!) they will soon give in... evven get a job to help pay for it if you need to!


  13. Ok, why not just lease one???/ i lease a horse, i do shows,pony club, ect!

    they have over 360 acres there is a girl the same age as me and we do everything together! an i will be keeping my horse at there place once i have enough money, just lease one!

    good luck bye! xoxoxo

  14. Keep asking and asking and asking..

    they will see your passion towards having a horse..

  15. ask them if you can save one instead of buying one. say how you loved having them before and how much you miss and love them, say you want to start saving ones that need homes so that youll be helping them and being happy yourself.

    tell them how sad youll be and how much itll affect you.

  16. Just don&#039;t give up.

  17. You seem to be a girl, so that means you would probably stick with the horses longer than a guy would. But young people in general end up loosing interest or they grow up and go to college, so the parents are stuck with the horse. Since you have had horses before, I am sure you realize that horses aren&#039;t always the easiest animals to deal with, and they are expensive. Plus feed, shavings, etc. are all even more expensive now because of fuel prices. You also have to consider paying the boarding fees if you don&#039;t live on horse property. In other words, it would be really expensive to have horses right now.

    That might be the biggest thing when it comes time to asking your parents. Hopefully they realize how expensive and how much of a responsibility they are. If you don&#039;t know what you are doing and they don&#039;t get out enough, they get health problems. You might like the idea now, but eventually, you will move on to other things, and you and your parents will be stuck dealing with the horse.

  18. beg, beg and beg. sometimes works.

    is there a riding school near by, you could go there and spend time riding and grooming there horses, prove you can look after them and tell them how much you don&#039;t want to move. it worked for  me.

  19. My parents never let me have a horse when I was growing up. I got over it.

    Your parents are in charge. Get a horse when you move out and can pay for it on your own.

  20. tell them how you feel then if it falls thru go and hang at a local stable maybee doing some brushing and manure slinging

  21. save up and say like i will buy the stuff if you can buy the horse and buying the horse is the cheapest part

  22. Which part of the world are you in?  Have you tried asking to volunteer, or work for pay, at the nearest stables/riding school/horse farm?


  24. if u r not 2 old 2 look cute go 2 the person that loves horses the most then go 2 them  with popcorn and cuddle with (her or him) that is what my friend did and say (mommy or daddy)  may i have a horsey the more retarded u sound the easier it is

    kay if u need horses 2 look 4 email me

  25. Did you help out alot with the other two? Just bring it up. Theres no easy way to ask them. Just remember that they are probably more worried about finacial situations of the future when it comes to horses. Its easier without them as much as I hate to say. Just tell them that you think it would be a good idea. Do you have a job? Offer to contribute to the horses and such. You wont know till you ask.

  26. at least u HAD horses at 1 point, i nevr got 2 hav them at all :&#039;(.

    theyre ur parents, no one here nos them bettr than u. i think u should just ask ur rents straight out :can i get a horse?&quot; or u could talk about a lease or free lease. that way if u didnt want 2 keep it after awile or if ur rents decided u WERE going 2 move u wouldnt hav 2 go thru the hassle of selling him/her. good luck!!

  27. If your family MIGHT move then wait.  No sensible grown-up is going to agree to get even a goldfish until this is decided.

    Keep in mind that not all properties can legally have a horse living on them.  In my town you must have at least one acre of land and can then have one horse.  More land if you have multiple horses!

  28. I think you would have a better chance of getting a horse if you boarded it somewhere, because your parents may not be willing to not sell the house. Also tell them the pros of you having a horse and how it could somehow benefit them if you had a horse.

  29. they are probably going through some sort of financial trouble you should not ask..but give, and help you parents out anyway you can, make them happy and don&#039;t stress them out

    the horses were probably given away because of money and you not taking care of them

    try leasing or FREE leasing

    or take lessons it&#039;s cheaper abd makes you responsible

  30. If you do riding lessons get your riding instructor to do a riding exam on horseback and say what you can do. Also get them to write a written report about how you meet the requirements of looking after a horse and you care for them.

    Tell them that life is so different without horses and tell them all your best memories ect.

    Anyways Goodluck and all for the best

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