
My parents wont let me go out alone!!! HELP ME PLZZ!!!

by  |  earlier

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hi :D

i have a problem with my parents i dont know way the wont let me go out alone or with a friend, they wont evan let me have a friend. i dont know wat to do, i didnt do anything to deserve this, and when ever i try to talk to ma dad he argues and im not sure way he dosnt undrestand anythin i say, the other time i told him i like a girl only as a friend like to be friends only with and he started saying these stuff that i shouldnt go out with girls, does he want me to turn g*y cuz im not gonna, how can i fight back??. wat can i do to be free like every other teenagers my age and have funn!? plz help me




  1. You have totally confused me with your question. Are you male? Age? Please stay in school and learn how to spell and communicate in an intelligable manner. Then come back with questions in this adult forum. I mean no disrecpect, but you need to grow up.  

  2. It might help you to fix this problem if you could find out why your parents are like this & then at least you will know what to do to change it. Best wishes. UK

  3. First of all, when you ask a question like this, you need top state your age. So I will ask, how old are you? If you're 13, then your parents are right; if you're 19, then there's a problem, so just saying teenager could mean any age from 13-19.

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