
My parents wont let me join JROTC?

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my dads fien with it,but of course,my mom has a big issue about it -and it always ends up in a fight with my parents.Theres nothing i can do to convince her,ive tried everything,i was even have a sarg to call her up,but she said she wouldnt answer.She doesnt care about me getting hurt or anything,she just thinks ill devote all my time into it and have no time for my job ,meaning no money to help them with the house.I can still join it without my parents consent,but im going to ovboiusly have a hard time getting to school and getting back home (which is pretty much exactly what my mom said).I need ANY advice at this point,school starts monday.





  1. JROTC is a great involvement, it looks wonderful on college applications, especially for service academies. And it is a great way to learn leadership, poise, courage and commitment... all things that will help you throughout your life. Just because you do JROTC doesn't mean you have to go into the military. I wish my school had JROTC, its great

    tell your mom that

    if all else fails, look into CAP (Civil Air Patrol) Its much like JROTC

  2. Did you ever talk to her about the freedoms she has, and how the military is the only reason she can do whatever she's doing today? And as far as having trouble getting to and from school-- is this because you live far enough away you can't walk, and you don't have a license/car? When I joined the military, my parents were extremely skeptical and my parents wouldn't let me choose anything that I couldnt use as a job in the future, and it really bummed me out. What you need to do is ask your mom if she will have a mature, adult conversation with you, and ask if she will be willing to act as a mature adult and sit down with you and a sergeant and talk about it as adults? Bringing up the fact that listening to your side of the story is mature will ring a bell for her, but if she still says no and you whine about it does not show your maturity.

    Remind your mom that the military is the best career choice you could make in America, and that if you join JROTC and decide to join the militar, not only will you have moeny to help out with the house you'll have all the benefits you could need, like health and life insurance, a steady paycheck, and a guarentee that you will lawys have a roof over your head as long as you have signed on that dotted line.

    JROTC teaches LDRSHIP- Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfelss Service, Honor, Intergrity, and Personal Courage. Being in JROTC not only strengthens you pyhsically, but also mentally, and gives you a standing above all the other civilians out there who aren't performing the same duties that you have chosen to.

    Having a head start by joining JROTC is something I wish I had been able to do, and something I wish every shchool would offer. You are lucky to have this once in a lifetime opportunity, and make sure that everytime you talk to your mom about this, that you use logic, facts, and your inside voice. Do a google or wikipedia search on JROTC history and show her the stuff you've looked up.

    If you still can't convince her, then do what you think is best. She may surely change her mind when she sees how well you can perform in both the JROTC, school, and your job. Good luck!

  3. Don't push - give her some time... maybe she'll come around. How long has it been that you've been trying??

  4. Talk to your mother.  Ask her what her concerns are and tell her why you want to join.  Keep emotion out of it as much as you can, and talk reasonably.  Ask if the two of you can come up with a compromise.  Write a contract with her.  You agree to maintain a certain grade level, work a minimum number of hours a week, perform certain chores, etc and she agree to support you in joining ROTC.  If you don't stick to your end of hte bargain, you have to quit- no arguments.

    May I remind you that you are a teenager and it is not your job to help with money for the house.  Paying your own way, like for your car, gas and insurance and school expenses is one thing- but paying for the house is not right.

  5. I'm not sure what she is so worried about it is just another High school class, that being said. You need to respect your mother while you live there, once you are old enough and live on your own then you can make your own decisions. Sorry.

  6. tell her if she wont let u join JROTC than u will join the army when u get out of high skool but u can join at 17 tho goin in to ur senior yr and JROTC wont take up all ur time  

  7. JROTC is great. I did it when I was in H.S.

    Tell your mom it helps build your confidence. It is a great program. If she is scared that your gonna get hurt or you'll be forced to join the Military, not true! It's just a H.S. program, the instructors that run it are usually retired Military, not active. This program helps you become independent, proud, responsible, etc.

    Good luck!

  8. If she thinks you will devote all your time to it, find out how much time devoted to it is acceptable (min and max).  Then devote less time than she thinks is the max, to make her happy.  Your job is the most important because it sounds like it's helping support them? I don't know if JROTC, or the sarg., can help you find a better paying job to help more but this could be incentive as well.  If you can get yourself to school and back, through a friend or ride a bike, whatever it takes.  It also sounds like your mother may have other reasons for you not joining and perhaps you are not being honest with her on why you want to join.  Get it out in the open, it only helps.  If it comes down to a stalemate, do as your mom says.  There are lots of other things you can do in life and you will be on your own soon or should be working towards that.

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