
My parents wont let me make my own money and im 14!?

by  |  earlier

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i needed 1000 francs to get an iphone so i asked if i could sell stuff and online and they said too risky, i asked if i could find a job and they said no they say no to everything!! how can i make them realize that i really need freedom to do what i want! as parents what WOULD you let your kid do?





  1. Try seeing if anyone needs to be babysat. Or, to get your parents trust, volunteer and pick up extra chores. Show them that you are serious.  

  2. If i were a parent, at 14, I'd at least let them BABYSIT for money. But... I'd take her around to find jobs that she could apply for at 14 years old. Their aren't alot of Jobs out there... So maybe do a Garage Sale, Lemonade Stand... you know... something like that.

    I'm 12. A Babysitter for 5 bucks an hour! rofl

  3. At 14 no I wouldn't let my daughter get an i=phone a job to make money to save for college yes but not for frivolous things that will just be out of style in 2 months.

    Sorry Kiddo  

  4. 14 is a bit young to have a job. Concentrating on school is much more important. I personally would allow you to sell your things (that you own) on ebay, as a lesson to you that doing that is a terrible idea (you would end up with no stuff and very little money).

    From your response, I can see now that you are a spoiled little brat, and as such I wouldn't even let you put your things on ebay until your little tantrum was complete. Could take months, I would guess.

  5. Doesn't matter what I would let my kind do... I'm not your father.  Your parents are legally and morally responsible for you, and it's their decision to make.  I might not agree with it (and, for the record, I don't), but I don't get a vote.

    It might not hurt to ask them why they won't let you get a job, though.  For best results, do it in a rational manner with a neutral tone of voice -- no whining, no pleading and for God's sake no sarcasm.  If you understand their objections you can negotiate ways to address them.  Then you and your parents can reach a compromise that you can all live with.  Be persistent, but be respectful, and you may yet have a shot at that phone.  Good luck!

  6. Then tell them to get it for you. If not than thats when you hit them.  

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