
My parents wont let me take my Laptop to my room at night-time!

by  |  earlier

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Em.Well My Parents wont let me take my Laptop to my room at night. How can I persuade them to let me / How can i sneak it up:) ? I am in bed before my parents, obviously. She asks where it is before I go to bed..

Hm.. Any suggestions on how to sneak it up :P?




  1. face the door and hide it under the cover JUST the laptop so then if your parents check on you you can close it quickly and they wont see it very good because it will blend in with the dark, and avoid typing loudly

  2. 1. Wait until you can hear your parents sleeping and sneak downstairs really quielty and use it downstairs because its too risky getting caught going back upstairs ...

    btw make sure to plug in ur headphones BEFORE you turn it on so they dont hear it turn on

    or 2 give them a book in your laptop case so it feels like u laptop is in there

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