
My parrot looks so sad?

by  |  earlier

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i just got a parrot

he look so sad ....wat can i do to make him happy




  1. I agree, get him some toys and maybe some new treats.  get him out of the cage from time to time also.  If you are then just get him some new toys, it makes the biggest difference.

  2. He feels alone. So he needs company - either you or a partner.

  3. Is he hand fed? was he taken from a mate or other companion? how old is he

  4. Aw :(  That is the worst feeling for a parrot owner, I know!  You feel so helpless.  I would give him or her extra attention all throughout the day.  Like if you are going somewhere else in the house like showering or working out, just let him go with you and be there.  I take mine with me sometimes bc the cage gets old after awhile.  Also, new toys would be a good idea or rearranging the toys that are already in the cage.

  5. If the parrot is friendly and handtrained, they love to be handled and have their heads scratched. They also love toys, mine had this toy of like 10 chinese finger traps that were skewered on a wire and hung in their cage, and another with colored popsicle sticks- they loved shredding and destroying it. They also loved mirrors, but I couldn't leave it in the cage very long cuz it would make my male get agressive, like he was protecting a mate... poor confused bird!

    With petting and toys he shouldn't be sad anymore. If he isnt friendly enough to pet, he'll still love toys/mirrors.

  6. New toys, treats, fruit, talk to him, play with him, hold him.  Let him hang out on your shoulder while you are doing stuff around the house.  My parrot loved taking showers with me....  Has there been any major change in scenery?  He could be stressed.

  7. First realize that they are as smart as a young child... it will take as much energy to entertain and stimulate your feathered friend as it would a preschooler. Toys, trips, handling, LOTS of interaction should keep it from going into the "Dark-side". If your bird starts to self destruct or becomes aggressive, then do more.

    You have chosen a very dependent and challenging entity to keep, if you don't have a lot of time and dedication then your COMPANION will suffer. Please be kind.

  8. Make sure he has plenty of different toys to help stimulate his mind.  If he does have lots of toys, try rearranging them to keep it interesting.  Try giving him different fruits and veggies (maybe some corn on the cob).  Keep talking to him and spending time with him (outside the cage).  Try giving him a bath with a squirt bottle.  These things should help cheer him up!

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