
My partner and I have been together (living) for two years and ?

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we have a baby on the way(34 weeks).I really would love to have the commitment of an engagement ring on my finger and I've let him know this but he thinks that having a baby is a bigger comittment and see's no need. He said if I really wanted to he'd propose before bubs is born!But obviously I don't want this. Why isn't he ready..he says he is but wants to suprise me and do it in his own time. Why is this so important to me. I feel bad pressuring him coz I know he loves me but I just figure if ew're having a baby and he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, why can't we at least get engaged before bubs




  1. U can't rush anyone into doing what they don't want to do.  I'd rather have a whole hearted proposal than a half @ssed one that was done just because I wanted it.

    He's right...having a baby is a bigger commitment that never ends...relationships can break up at anytime, baby is a bond for life.

  2. Unfortunately you decided to procreate with a boy instead of a man.

  3. be patient darling...

    My cousin got married because she noticed that she was pregnant..

    Her husband didn't even get to proposed to her..

    They got to talk about the marriage.. so they got married before they had the baby

    And now she regreted it..she wished she was never married and never had a child..or life would be so much better if she wasn't married..

    Atleast your husband is willing to give you and him time..


    Don't worry he will when he think the time is appropriate

  4. Maybe he feels like you just want to get married because you have a baby, and he doesn't want you to feel obligated to marring him, but he still wants you to know that he loves you and the baby and he is very much committed so you don't have to worry.  

  5. Some men don't want to get married and thats fine as long as he's there for you and the child.

    My aunt-in-law has been with her boyfriend for 20 years and they are never getting married, my mom and her boyfriend refuse to get married too.

    I say as long as he stays with you, there isn't a real need for marriage

    You don't have to be married to stay with someone you love forever.

  6. you need to worry about the baby and your financial issues before you start worrying about marriage. and you should see how he is with the baby first...people change after they have kids  

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