
My partner and I have big problems and i dont know what to do?

by  |  earlier

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He doesnt talk to me he treats me like he can have me anytime he wants. and he doesnt call when he goes on trips for a week. I love him and i feel like im stuck with him because he said you would never leave me. and i was like im not ugly are anything so dont get surpised of what i do. but do you think he is cheating are doesnt care anymore should i leave him and is it cause im 27 and hes 40.




  1. You sound more like a house boy or escort.

    Anyone who has the ballz enough to tell someone "you'll never leave me" needs an attitude check. He might feel because of who he is and what he does that he's ALL THAT and a bag of chips but to be in a relationship where the partners DON'T communicate and one denigrates the other while he's off on a week's business trip... that's NOT a relationship.

    I can't tell you if he's cheating or not. If you have you suspicions, do some investigating (or hire an investigator). Look at phone records. Check his credit card statements. (Do the record checking stuff only if they are readily available and it won't raise suspicions but I have a feeling if you ask you'll be dismissed with a curt "you don't need to see those.")

    Being in a relationship means communicating AND working toward something TOGETHER. It sounds like you're simply along for the ride, almost against your will.

    I'd let him know that unless he treats you better, opens up and starts treating you as his equal, you need to find someone else who has less of an attitude and is more willing to include you in his life. Maybe couples counseling? Don't say this in  threatening way but express your concern. If he simply brushes you off or dismisses you or delivers the "you won't leave me" c**p, gather your things and leave (be sure you're REALLY READY to do this. Delivering an ultimatum and not following through will simply reinforce his belief that you don't have the willpower and strength to actually leave.) If you DO follow through, be sure that you've gotten all your ducks in a row before stepping out the door (collecting personal documents that contain your vital info, closing bank accounts that he might have access to, etc.)

    Good luck.

  2. yeah - honestly - tell him how you feel

    if he loves you - he'll help you work things out

    if not - maybe it's time to move on

    (and i think you mean 'or' when you're saying 'are')

  3. If he doesn't even call when he goes on trips for a week, then it doesn't sound like he's that into you. If you are feeling like you are stuck, it doesn't sound like you see much of a future with him. If it were me, I would find someone where I didn't feel stuck with and someone who cared more about me than he seems to care about you.

  4. It's impossible for anyone to say whether he's cheating or not...what can be said is that "both" of you need to communicate better.  Depending upon what type of 'relationship' you're it a committed relationship...just a friendship...a sugar daddy arrangement...etc...  Both of you should sit down and 'talk it out'...

  5. I don't like the way he treats you. That's not right. Sounds like he wants to be able to do anything he wants and you can't.  You contact me and I'll give you a nice guys phone number that will be with you and only you.

  6. This question more fully explains another one you asked about cheating.  

    If he treats you like this, you should cut your losses.  If you're 27, you have a lot of good years ahead - spend them with someone who wants you as much as you want him.  And until you find that special guy, enjoy life, play the field and get the h**l out of where you are now.

  7. You know, I think you can do better you are stressing yourself out over someone who is not considerate enough to let you know that the won't be around for a week. As hard as it might be do your best to try and find someone else that will appreciate you more, you deserve it.

    If you do feel like putting up with his **** and stay with him then you have to communicate how you feel or else he will keep on doing what he has been getting away with. After you let him know how you are feeling and he still doesn't seem to get it then give him the silent treatment don't answer his calls, txt messages, e-mail until he understands you mean business. If he doesn't contact you then please move on.  

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