
My partner and i homeschooling this year and are wondering what type of suport we can get in texas and what c

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we are looking for a laptop used and affordable as we will be living in the off grid area and would like to do some online things and are wondering what places to obtain used books work books work sheets and what and where do we get dipolma from at highschool grasdutation the public school in texas is very unhelpful texas has some of the most liberal homeschooling laws though any suport is great appreciated




  1. Since you stated you are aware of the homeschooling laws in Texas, surely you knew you would not get accurate informtion from the public schools.

    Just continue to do your research and you will find your answers.

    If you want used materials, find a homeschool book store in your area, Texas, has plenty. You can find individual subjects or complete packaged curriculum and even guide books to help in planning.

    Find a homeschool support group and get connected. You can find them through, or Texas Homeschool Coalition, or searching the yahoo groups area for homeschool groups near you. Tons of groups use yahoo groups for communication.

    As far as used electronics, I guess the classifieds are an option.

    Worksheets and such can be found on the internet, by doing a search for the grade level you need. If you want to pull your own curriculum together you will need internet access, which you seem to have, and a library card.

    You make your own diploma after you have completed the work.

  2. Have you tried looking on the website.  They usually have some helpful advice.  

    I'm not sure if you are teaching or are going to become a student yourself, but you can try if you are looking to get a diploma.  It's a private school, so it's $900 for all four years of high school.  If you can't pay it in full you will be able to pay $34 a month instead.  

    For used books try thrift stores.

    Depending on the grade level try Wal-Mart.  They have these really great workbooks for young kids.  I think it goes up to 8th grade.  The books are usually $10 each and the are very Big books.

    For worksheets like math try doing a search for "free math worksheets".   You can do this for a lot of subjects.

  3. Would you just please send your kid to public school.  They really do know what they're doing, and you probably don't.  They have answers to all these questions, and you don't.  So do you still think you are "better"?  I do not think so.  And public schools offer free materials, whatever you need is totally free.  Why would you even think of doing this to a child?? How they ever going to learn to tell good people from bad people?  They must experience both, and you should wake up to reality, as that's the truth.

  4. Find yourself a good support group, even if your only contact with them is online. There is bound to be a bunch of Texas homeschooling groups in Yahoo Groups, perhaps even one fairly close to you. They'll know all the nitty gritty details like you are asking, including possibly other homeschooling groups in Yahoo specifically for homeschool resource selling.

    As for a used laptop, we actually have a paper here called Bargain Finder where people list for sale their used items. I don't think it exists outside Canada, but maybe you can find something similar. Or, maybe someone from the above-mentioned support groups has a laptop they're looking to sell!

  5. Someone who is incapable of grammar or punctuation should not be homeschooling; but you'll notice that none of the so-called "homeschooling advocates" who hang around here will mention that to you.

  6. I don't know where you can get a laptop computer used, but you might check with local and state homeschool groups in case someone is willing to sell or giveaway one that they are no longer using.  You can also buy adapters for desktop computers that allow you to get internet from a wireless network.

    If you are a member of HSLDA they have a textbook exchange program.  

    You can purchase graduation kits, which include templates for transcripts and diplomas, online or you can create them yourself on your home computer.

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