
My partner cheated on me and I threw him out, Now I want him back is this a good idea?

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I miss him so much I think I may die.




  1. Talk it over with your partner and found out why and see if you can forgive and move on.

  2. Oh grow up lady. There's so many other fishes in the sea. Y are you letting a MAN do this to you. U deserve better. He;s done it once, he could do it again. I know its easy said then done. Dont take any chances, life is short..get on with it. good luck!

  3. Well, even a cheating partner is better than death. You will no doubt have many happy returns.

  4. Yes, it's a genius idea, which is why you have to ask the opnion of strangers.  

    Just ask yourself:- will he do it again?  

  5. yes if ur willing to put up with that ! and no why bother if your just going to throw him back out

  6. You have to think about this in a rational way and not with your heart.

    If he cheated there must have been a reason, can you work out what the reason was and make things right about it, or did he do it because he was bored etc.,

    It depends on a lot of things, please dont take him back because you miss him that does not wipe out the fact that he slept with someone else.

    I know that for me if cheating ever came into my relationship no matter how much I loved my man I would end it, trust is fundamental in a relationship and believe me you will never ever trust him again.

    This in itself will cause no end of problems.

    Good luck, and remember there is life out there and maybe you deserve a chance with it.

  7. That depends. Is he still cheating? Was it a one-time thing, something that you can forgive? Or is he just a Neanderthal Pig out sleeping with every sleazy little w***e he can find? It depends on his explanation, whether or not you believe him, his promise not to do it again and whether or not you believe that, and your willingness to forgive him and move on. Good luck.

  8. Dont take him back. If they cheat once they cheat again

  9. Depends on the circumstances.  Is he truly remorseful or just sorry he got caught?  Never let him know how much you miss him as then you will lose the upper hand.  Make him prove his worthiness to you.  If he is not willing to put forth the effort or endure the punishment, then he isn't worth it.  Also, he will  probably try to find a way to blame you.  Do not fall into this trap.

  10. If you want to be cheated on for the rest of your life stay with him. Because once a cheater always a cheater.You see it everyday look in the newspapers , look at the celebrities. This you have to decide for yourself. But I've been there they don't change. My ex has been married and divorced three times for cheating, I was his first wife and that was 40 years ago! He finally learned his lesson and doesn't marry anymore.  

  11. depends on situation

    did he kiss someone

    or sleep with them

    if its only kiss then its not so bad

    was he drunk

    what were the circumstances

    is he sorry

    did he lie about it

    or admit it

    if u truly love him and can forgive him then u could set ground rules and see if he sticks to them

    but you'll always not trust him

    i personally wouldnt but its up to you, you would meet someone else eventually.

  12. You will just be conveying to this man, that he can do anything or treat you any way because your love for him overrides your good judgment.

  13. My ex husband cheated on me. I divorced him, remarried him and he did it again.   I wasted 18 years on him. Is that what you want?

    You will meet someone else. You will fall in love again and it will be better then ever.  

    Go out with some friends and enjoy yourself.  Stop thinking about him or what he is doing.  

    I met a great guy a year after the divorce was final.  We have been happily married for 22 years now.  

    IYou did the right thing. Be strong and move on.   You deserve so much better.  There will be a guy out there so glad that he messed up and you left him.  Trust me !  

  14. if that is the only thing that is wrong in your relationship then go to couples therapy and try to work it out. however you are taking a risk a guy who cheated once may do it again. decide what you can live with and set your limits.

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