
My partner had a black child? swears it can only be mine? what the??

by Guest61240  |  earlier

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How am I supposed to believe this? we are both white and our son is black? she swears it cant be anybody elses, i find that hard to beleive, but isnt that enough evidence that it could be infact some kind of bizare genetic thing? you think she would confes now that its black and im white ?




  1. DNA test. call maury. he makes a living giving them. but uh...that is pretty funny.

  2. I'm so sorry to say this Don't be so naive , I so very much doubt it is some type of genetic problem, face it your white , your wife's white, and your is son isn't ...It just doesn't match up....Just get a paternity test don't listen to nobody saying other than that, your wife just may have "forgotten" to tell you a little something she might have to confess to you sooner or later....I'm so sorry if it is what i'm thinking....Good luck

  3. get a paternity test

    this is exactly what trashy daytime television thrives on

    good luck!

  4. Don't sign the birth certificate yet.  If you already did, check local laws but you're probably on the hook for 18 years.  Oops.

    DNA test in the meantime, given the overwhelming "evidence" she owes you that much.  Assuming she's innocent she should be more than willing to do it.  It's highly unlikely but within the realm of possibility that there is a genetic anomaly/some interesting family lineage involved, or if this was a test tube baby, it's possible there was a screwup in the lab.  I know the latter has happened to some people.

    Most likely, she is desparate and hoping you are a complete idiot as well as a cuckold.  I don't see how that's gonna last in the long term.  Eventually the kid himself is going to start asking the obvious questions.

  5. get a dna test. Are her parents black by any chance? Seems a bit too weird though!

  6. Wow please tell me you don't believe her.  If both of you guys are white there is no way you could have a black baby unless one of her parents are black as well.  Sometimes it will come out even though both of you guys are white.  DNA tes the baby to make sure.

  7. You need a DNA test, this is 99.99% accurate. Partners do lie sometimes to evade the fact they might crush they're partner. It is highly unlikely for 2 white partners to have a black son. Black is a very dominant colour, and so IF your partner did do anything with a black man, this child would reveal it all.

    However, your partner may have black relatives of some kind or even you for that matter, this may cause this dark skin.

    But a DNA test well give you the most accurate answer. Don't believe anything until you have gotten a DNA test.

    The harsh reality is that people DO lie and you need to consider that.

    I hope it all works out for you, Good luck.


  8. Get the Child DNA Test if its yours it will prove that.

    Other wise ........... ?

  9. Um I'm sorry to break this to you but there is NO WAY that is your child.

  10. Actually, my neighbors are both white and have 2 african american children. It's possible, the male didn't even believe it himself....they got paternity test for both children and they are his!

  11. There is a possibility that distant in the family genes there were other color traits that may have been passed on to this child.

    The only absolute method of checking is to file a petition in family court to establish paternity. They will use a court affiliated dna testing lab where the results will be sent directly to the judge. Otherwise (by law) there is safe assumption that a child born of a couple belongs to the male living with the mother. Whether he's husband, boyfriend or other.  You will have a legal and maybe a moral obligation to financially support that child. Good luck.  

  12. Like many have already said you need to get a DNA test dont be a fool hun,  she f*c*ed up and you need to catch her.  

  13. If she's white, then how did SHE have a black baby? Regardless, you should have a paternity test done.  

  14. first off, kid is biracial, not black, black is 2 african american people making a baby. and no kids not yours if you have no african or any kind of ethnic races in your blood

  15. Unless one of you has black blood in their genes, your wife must have been s******g around with a black person. That is the only possibility. So if neither one has lack blood in their genes, I would dump her A.S.S.

  16. Possibly they were switched by accident by the hospital personnel?

    Check with the hospital.  This does happen.  Rarely, but it does.  If not, then I would say she thought nine months would never come.

  17. As I understand it, it can and does happen....the best thing is to get a paternity test though.

  18. possibly he is just dark skinned. Don't debate don't bother it doesn't answer the question two options the silly one I think it  Try those tv shows that specialize in uncovering who the baby daddy is.  Or the one I find logical and most accurate  have a test done yourself through professionals its very simple and you will know for sure.   I recall when my niece was born being my brother had red hair and his wife blonde everyone seemed to be skeptical that this was actually my brothers baby as she had dark black oriental  type hair  but alas that fell out and she is today without a doubt the likeness of both mom and dad.

    Don't jump to conclusions life is strange you just never know get

    professional help and find out for sure

  19. The Genes that choose your skin color are determined by several genes instead of just 2 like some of us were originally tough in school.(this is why white people can be different shades instead of 1 uniform color, and so on)  Therefore, Black skin has to have SEVERAL genes to have the child come out black.  If you are not black, and your wife isn't (or any shade close, black, indian, and thats basically it) then that is most likely not your child.  

  20. haha dude...that is the worst case of lieing i have ever heard.

    hopefully you have no other children with this woman so you can end it with no strings attatched.

  21. Well if you believe it then you are the most gulliable person i have ever met.  So.. I have this brand new ferrari i am willing to sell you for $500.00, send me a check and i will have it shipped to you.

    Yes it being black and both of you being white is quite enough evidence, it is genetically impossible for this kid to be yours.

    She won't confess cause she's still hoping your gulliable enough to believe the lie.  If you need more proof take the kid down and have a dna test done.

  22. sounds like that crazy advice of deny everything and admit nothing clear to the end.

    The evidence looks clear but you won't be 100% sure till a dna test proves otherwise.

  23. unless you or she has a black ansestor, no.

    get a simple DNA test to prove its yours...

    I think your going to find that she thinks your stupid.

  24. it could be genetics, some where down the family tree there could have been!  if you really want to make sure it is your child, then get a dna test!  that is the only way to tell for sure!  good luck!

  25. You know that the child is not yours.  Go get a paternity test.  Just to prove her wrong.  Then have the father served with child support papers.  Don't let her get away with being trifling.  It is a common thing these days. The next question you should be asking are you going to stay with her? If you are you can not mistreat the child.  The baby doesn't know why its here it is just here.  Treat the child with love and care but let that trick know that you know about her antics and you don't appreciate her trying to make a big fool out of you.

    Handle it.  

  26. Ha!  Funny stuff.

    (I don't believe you, but funny question nonetheless.)

    There was that couple in Europe recently that had twins and one was all "white" and one was "mixed" in appearance.  Turned out to be some rare genetic occurence.

  27. could even be a hospital mix-up babies at birth even black ones can look very white (seriously) so e.g. if the baby had same last name or something make sure you get a DNA test to see if it matches the mom not just dad!

  28. If one of you has a black relative several generations back, it can, and does, happen.  To put your mind at rest, get a paternity test.

  29. Unless you or your partner have any significant African-American heritage, the chances you would make a black baby is extremely low. If you're worried it's not yours, you could request a paternity test.

  30. Granted you want to believe her, but I don't think anyone is that gullible. DNA test?

  31. It is possible for two white people to have a black child. Some where back in your side of the family or hers are black genes. Otherwise some body got pregnant by someone who was black.

    If I were a man and my girlfriend gave birth to a black child, I would always wonder if the child was really mine. For your sake and the sake of the child, I would insist on having a DNA test to prove if you are the father and also prove if the child is hers too. Who knows, the hospital might have screwed up and switched babies. It's happened in the past, it could happen again.

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