
My partner has dyed my 3 year olds hair i just wanted to know what reactions i should look for?

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My partner has dyed my 3 year olds hair i just wanted to know what reactions i should look for?




  1. that is so wrong, even adults can have really bad reactions to hair dyes, you shouldnt of allowed it. you could burn their head, or even damage it so much they start losing hair and it maynot grow back. shame on you partner

  2. It is definitley not healthy to dye a 3 year olds hair.  It could cause her to lose her hair, or get skin rashes.  Not a very smart idea.

  3. Why would you ALLOW your partner to dye your 3 year old's hair?  Why would you have a partner who would do such a thing to begin with?  Where the h**l were you when the hair dying was going on?  

  4. And you allowed it?????  Why????

  5. That is WAY too young for that! Expect people to be disgusted with your decision.

  6. oh that is terrible, the poor thing- i hope you have given him a good telling off! I would personally take her to hospital, especially if there are any highlighting/bleaching agents in the hair as reactions can be fatal in children young and can include ultimate suffocation.

    If it is a darker wash in & out colour the chances of reaction are a lot less but may ruin her hair and cause poor growth for years or even permanantly. the poor thing...good luck and i hope she is ok

  7. WHY would anyone with a brain dye a 3 year olds hair?  the chemicals in hair dye are inappropriate for 3 year olds. They could burn the scalp in the process, cause rashes, burns, itching, illness.  Illness because those chemicals in dye can penetrate the skin.  

  8. Poor kid to have a set like you.

  9. First... i would kick your partners BUTT for dying a 3 yr old's hair, then i agree with the first poster... i would call your doctor and check out the risks to be sure.

    you know what they say.. ya cant fix stupid

  10. Look for "WOW those people are total dumbasses to do that to a child"... or something to that effect from EVERYONE you encounter who isn't actively doing drugs.

    Oh, sorry, did you mean physical reactions in your child that apparently you just stood there and let someone do that to?  Scalp burns, falling out hair, and hopefully nothing else, this time.  Get a new partner, one with a brain.

  11. Not to mention all the health risks that are involved in dying a 3 year olds hair, what kind of message are you sending your child by dying their hair at 3 years old.  I would almost think this question isn't real but people are that dumb.  Just a month ago an acquaintance of mine stopped by with her 3 year old daughter and she put highlights in her hair.  I didn't know weather to yell at her or laugh at her.

  12. depends on the dye

    if it's a funky color dye they are all natural so just look for allergic reactions (itching,seeping etc...)

    ask what brand the dye is then look it up

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