
My partner is freaky.?

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My partner is freaky. Beause when he say's something is going to happen is always does. I told his mum she said he has always been like that. It's so annoying when he say's something is going to happen. I tell him to shut up because sometimes it's something I really don't want to hear.

How does he do it? He doesn't know how himself.




  1. Then why bother playing the lottery except for times when he says he has a feeling? Of course, anyone addicted to gambling gets the "feeling" that they are going to win something. A lot of times they are correct, however its the times that they are not correct that they lose thier life savings.

    Its called self-delusion, the belief that you are psychic because you remember the times he says something and is right. I am sure if you started to list the times he says something and the times it comes true, you will find the results are only a little better than random chance. This is called intelligent guessing.

    Sorry to tell you, he is not psychic, just smart.

  2. Sounds like an asset to me.

  3. It's not unlikely that you are experiencing confirmation bias.  He says a lot of things will happen, or a very general thing is going to take place and it does.  That makes him look like a ringer, when it's just odds and probability that can be thanked for this psychic ability.

    Write down everything he predicts.  Be specific.  Evaluate every claim.  Chances are he gets lucky or else he makes a high probability prediction.

  4. I do the same, my wife always wants me to shut up, like some how that will change the out come.  I can not say for sure if I'm am a psychic or my mind picks up stuff that others miss and puts it together.

    Ya I keep working those d**n lottery tickets with out any luck.

    EDIT 1.  Also is he smart, high IQ,  mine is,  I have been called a polymath.  See---

    He may be one too.  I prefer to think of my self as a genius with a short attention span, once I learn  something I move on to the next.

  5. I don't do the lottery or anything like it, but I can go with the intuition thing, it sounds like your partner has a stronger esp or whatever it is than me though.

    Does he find it annoying that he cant change the outcome even if he wanted to?

  6. i know exactly what ur talking about because i do the same thing and it runs through my family its kind of a since that u just know things u shouldnt and sometimes u hold back on saying it untill it happens but it can be a good thing and also a bad all depends on how u use it...has he had any one important pass away in his life because that could be whos telling him or giving him fealings about things

  7. He has a knack for following the confluence of circumstance, then extrapolating the most likely out come, he most likely does this subconsciously.

    Is it E.S.P.? Who knows?

    I would be interested in knowing if he can control this or if it is something that just hits him on occasion!

  8. I have a dear friend whom I have known for nearly nine years now.We have never met, but I have felt all three of his car accidents. The first time it happened we were going to meet, I was maybe 5 minutes from his home at a bus terminal, I heard the sirens and felt the impact of the car accident. This has happened two more times, we still haven't met, but I know his thoughts before he does.

    My father called me many years ago while I was living in Vermont to break the news that my niece was ill, he told me the drs thouhgt it was her gut told me otherwise, we lost her to a rare cancer, the following spring.

    I have long been able to feel others pain and emotions.

  9. this happens to me all the time 2. like last summer i knew i was goin 2 get stung by a bee on a certain day and i did, also i have strange feelings that bad things like death is goin 2 happen 2 somone close to me and bingo, someone pops there clogs..its freeky but if i listen to my feelings i can avoid accidents etc. i think everyone has the ability to do this, were all born with it. its a bit like survival mode thing.......thank u

  10. i think that's cool, problem is that type of gift can never tell lotto numbers.

  11. I've heard it called 'The Gift Of Second Sight'.

    As recently as the last spate of witchcraft trials

    Mother Church burned people to death for less.

    Even today it is not 'healthy' in some locations.

  12. He sounds like he does protest too much.  Why would he use something that is given if he doesn't like it.  You know that old saying...if you don't use it, you'll lose it....

  13. hey, maybe your partner can tell me this week's lottery numbers!!!!

  14. He's not the only one!

  15. He could be clairvoyant or he just anticipates into the near future.

  16. Sounds like something I used to do. Used to because seems for awhile now its been at nada, If it is , its nothing more then a feeling, a knowing if you will. I used to mess with my buddies in the Army with it not intentionally, just knew stuff that at the time I should not have known. Like I said if it is the same for him then its a feeling of knowing something for what ever reason, There is no flash of visions or out of body T.V / Movie stuff. Just a knowing.

  17. you find that unusual,that's all,nothing wrong with it,he seems to have certain capability that it can't be defined or explained in the available logistical frames.
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