
My partner lost his license for speeding can he get n exemption 2 drive to and from work??

by  |  earlier

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he lost it from a build up of lost demerit points no drink driving nothing like that




  1. Speeding is a major cause of automobile accidents - including fatal ones.

    In the US - he racked up 12 points to lose his license. He had plenty of warning to take the lead out of his foot and chose to ignore it.   Time to suck it up and accept the consequences for his actions.

    You can call the dmv and ask -- but I don't expect they would grant him an exception. (How many of those speeding tickets did he get going from home to work in the first place?)

  2. Unfortunately, he needs to deal with the consenquences

    My dad did the same thing and guess what> He couldn't work for 6 months!

  3. why should he he is ignoring the law  

  4. He's obviously a poor driver. Multiple offenses. No, there are no exemptions. Tell him to learn how to drive safely! That's how to keep a license.

  5. If he needed his license to work then he should have made more of an effort to stick to the speed limit.

    He has only himself to blame.

  6. No.  Not even people who use their car for work, like delivery drivers or salesmen can get an exemption.  What would be the point of  this sort of "Get Out of Jail Free" sanction?  The idea is to teach the guilty party a lesson, as well as keep them off the road for a while if they are dangerous.

    Mid you, I do think these "speeding" fines are a sham.  My solicitor told me that they are "revenue raising" so they are definitely not aimed at teaching people to drive better, just to be more careful when they know there is a speed camera around.

    To have had any success, your partner should have let the case go to court and plead his case there, and hoped that he got a VERY  sympathetic judge...or a friend, or relative sitting at the time.  

  7. One of our neighbours, he lost his licence due to drink driving, he then lost his job. He was able to get a new one. When he started his wife drove him, but every so often he would catch the bus, now he catches the bus all the time and saves him money. But i guess it would depend what type of job he has got

  8. Nope he's lost it an that's it...this is one of the reasons we gotta be careful about losing demerit points....when your license is lost for a period of time, it's gone. there aren't any exemptions...sorry :-(

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