
My partner swears he had a vasectomy three years ago...?

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My s*x partner swears he had a vasectomy three years ago. I could swear I am pregnant if he hadn't told me that. I have been so...tired, I have been hot and nauseated in the morning when I wake up and if I don't keep something on my stomach at all times, my lower back is killing me it hurts so bad, and I have been craving the weirdest nastiest foods...Oh..and I can't smoke makes me sick...Could I be pregnant...




  1. Do you trust your partner?  If he says he's had a vasectomy (and actually has) then its VERY unlikely that you could be pregnant.  Especially 3 years after the procedure.  Have you considered the possibility that you could have the flu?  If you are late, then take a test.  That's the only way to know for sure.

  2. Vasectomies aren't foolproof; there is a 1 in 2000 chance of getting pregnant from a failed vasectomy.  

  3. You could be pregnant even if he has had a vasectomy. They are not 100%  

  4. have you been "faithful"...just curious, but you know it could be stress related.

  5. Honestly, yea you could, but in order for us to really know we'd have to know some dates and stuff.  

    If I were you I would get some tests done just to clear your mind.

  6. There are two possibilities:

    His vasectomy may have failed.  But that is very rare (almost impossible), unless he had one of those ‘clip’ type vasectomies.  Also if he never went back to get his s***n checked, and then it could have never taken to start with.  A lot of men never do.  I personally get mine checked every five years.

    The other possibility is you are not actually pregnant, just stressed.

  7. yeah you could be. ask him again is he sure he had it done. lol. maybe the doctor did something wrong or maybe come undone.

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