
My party tomorrow!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my party is tomorrow and like no one rsvp and im scared that no is going to come .......... do u rsvp ......... do u think pple will come or not .........last question have u had a party that no one rsvpd and ppl came




  1. well ppl will come .... its a party and no we never rsvp and alot of ppl come :D lol dont worry .....

  2. people never rsvp unless its a wedding or a bar mitzvah or something you just have to call them up

  3. i threw a babyshower, no one rsvp so i kinda freaked out, but i guess now a days no one rsvp. almost everyone showed up. your party should turn out good, and people will come!

  4. Now in days no one RSVPs so don't worry I'm sure you'll get a good turn out. Just ask your friends and confirm they're coming. casually bring it up and say something like "so see you tonight?" or ask one of them for help setting up  she/he might have heard word spread and knows who's coming. Or if you don't want to go through the trouble of asking them for help you can also just simply ask for their opinion on something like " so how many pizzas do you think i should order? or drinks?"

    Hope you have a Great party!

  5. depends on what kind of party, but im sure people will come, dont worry about it!!!

  6. Why don't you call them up and do a reminder.

  7. Call your friends, ask if they are coming. People don't usually rsvp thats mostly parents but I would've thought your friends would have told you they're coming, what they're wearing and that they're excited and stuff. Text your friends, or send an email to loads of people reminding them about the party.

  8. Just give them a txt and ask if they can still come, most of them probly forgot

    Have fun!! x

  9. Something similiar just happened to me. People didn't rsvp. but they did come. They're probably just to busy.

  10. prolly,people arent very formal (expecially teens) if its jus a party, so yeh people will come.

  11. haha yeah ppl are gonna come. the last party i had like 1 person rsvped and way more than i even invited came. like i invited 19 people or so but about 30 actually showed up. is was bad

  12. i wish i could go =)

  13. im 14 and i never rsvp. i hope i helped a little bit?

  14. no one really does rsvp.

    we just call everyone, and just ask if their gonna make it.

  15. omg shut up

  16. Don't worry I'm sure your very closest friends wont let you down and on past experiences they are the best parties because you can all have fun as one group instead of having to cater to different peoples needs.  Just have fun no matter what.

  17. normally, i try to rsvp. but most of the time i just forget and end up going. in the moring just call all your friends and make sure that there comming.

  18. im sure people will still come. no one ever rsvp's for my parties, but then, like, everyone shows up. dont worry, im sure your party will be a blast.
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