
My party trouble?

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ok im 11 turning 12 im like inviting only girls what should we do? we are going bowling or somthin but just bowling iz boring what else could we do?




  1. Great game idea! Think ahead aboutcatagories. People, celebs, Music, blond haired people, movies with a certain word in the title  etc, the possiblilites are endless.. each person has to come up with 3 names in whatever catagory they pick out out a bowl. the next person has to name 3 more until someone gets stumped and has to pick another slip from the bowl. It is great fun. But needs to have a little thinking

  2. After going bowling take a limo to starbucks and hangout. Then go home and watch movies, do makeovers and listen to music!

  3. You can do a scavenger hunt.  Do you know what that is?  Or you can play charades.  

    You can get some plain canvas bags, the kind with handles and some different color permanent markers and you can all make your own tote bags.  You can paint each others nails.

  4. If ur only inviting girls maybe u can have a slumber party! girls love them

  5. get naked and make GURLS GONE fishing... lol

  6. yoou can make invitations and 1/2 of them dress up one way. and then other half dress up the other way. (so it is completely random.)..e.i. have half of them dress 80s and have the other half dress geeky, and then they will each be on different bowling teams, and then whoever wins, each person gets a prize, like an iTunes gift card or something. and then presents and cake, and food, i personally think that would be a blast.

  7. go bowling, have dinner, and go for coffee or something, thats always fun i guess lol
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